Conspiracy of the crown of celibacy
"The crown of celibacy" - a kind of energy "stigma" that prevents a person to build lasting relationships with the opposite sex. There are two types of "crown of celibacy." The first type - the karmic.
Man gets his from birth. Its main symptoms: craving for solitude, indifference to the marriage, indifference or even aversion to intimacy, the reluctance to have children of their own (which, incidentally, does not prevent other people to adopt children or to help educate them). About people wearing karmic "crown of celibacy, said:" Lone Wolf "," Solitary "," eternal bachelor "," spinster ". Sometimes they are accused of latent homosexuality and other perverse inclinations. (This is due to the fact that people can not accept someone else's way of life that differs from their own.) As a rule, people do not pay attention to all these rumors, because it alone with itself feels quite comfortable. From such a "crown" to get rid of impossible and not necessary. People with karma, "the crown of celibacy" the most frequent travelers, researchers, scientists, creators, professional military. In a word, choose their professions such, when the family would only be a burden. Almost all the inhabitants of the monastery bear the karmic "crown of celibacy."
Another kind - acquired, or induced by the "crown of celibacy." His person receives as a result of tribal curse or damage. Such a "crown" is experienced very painful. A person feels lonely and helpless - even when it is in the company of his relatives and friends. He is afraid of being alone, its torment fears, nightmarish visions. When he sees a small child, his heart is compressed from the burning desire to have her own child (this is especially true for women). His frequent depression, and the older the person becomes, the deeper and heavier than they are experienced. Sometimes these people even go mad or commit suicide. That is why it is important to identify acquired "a crown of celibacy" at a young age. But to get it quite difficult - primarily due to the fact that it is very common delayed marriage. And if a woman is 30 years old not married, it is considered normal. "That's a career, and then will create a family" - the tragic consequences that sometimes results in this error! Feeling sad, lonely, parental instincts are suppressed violently. Such people often become workaholics, or vice versa, are thrown into the abyss of all kinds of entertainment - if only to drown in his sorrow. Begin to sound the alarm after 35, when all attempts to create a family ends in failure. It is therefore extremely important to listen to yourself and do not fill the inner void is neither working nor an "active" holiday, or even creativity (although the latter is a great way to get rid of depression). If you experience bouts of causeless despair, if you feel bad with myself, if you can not sleep in an empty house, as in a dream you nightmares - most likely, you have a purchased the "crown of celibacy." And it should be removed.
Removing the "crown of celibacy" with water
Prepare to be that this process is long. Acquired the "crown of celibacy" is removed as many months, how many years he lies to you. But every day you'll feel better and better and by the end of "treatment" anguish disappear altogether. In addition, your life will be a person with whom you can then start a family. Perhaps these people will be more, the choice of do it yourself.
Need to begin treatment in one of the twelve great church festivals, called "Twelve."
Twelve Great Feasts
* Christmas - celebrated on January 7.
* The Baptism of Christ - is celebrated on January 19.
* Presentation of the Lord - is celebrated on February 15.
* The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary - April 7.
* Entry into Jerusalem - is celebrated on Sunday, a week before Easter.
* The Resurrection of the Lord. Easter.
* Ascension Day - celebrated on the fortieth day after Easter, always on Thursday.
* Trinity - is celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter, and called the day of the Holy Trinity or Pentecost.
* Transfiguration of Christ - 19 August.
* Assumption of the Theotokos - August 28.
* Nativity of the Theotokos - September 21.
* Exaltation of the Cross - September 27.
* Presentation in the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary - December 4.
On the eve of this day should go to the temple on the all-night worship service, and in the holiday - to defend the liturgy and communion. Give a note on the commemoration of all your dead relatives and friends. Write to all, without exception, someone will remember. Order Prayers for his health. Buy a box of 12 candles the candle and put them to the following icons:
* The crucifixion (the dead).
* Trinity.
* Image of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
* The image of the Blessed Virgin.
* Guardian Angel, Cathedral of the Heavenly Powers, or Archangel Michael.
* Holy One, whose name you wear.
* St. Nicholas saint.
* St. Seraphim of Sarov.
* Holy Guria, Simon and Aviva.
* St. Paraskeva.
* St. Xenia of Petersburg.
* Any saint to whom you feel a special reverence. (My advice: buy a bench in the church lives of saints and read them from beginning to end. Perhaps the life and character of someone of you saints especially touch. Pray this holy day, and you get a reliable protector and helper in all your endeavors .)
Arriving home, drink three sips of holy water and eat a piece of communion bread. Do not forget to read this prayer to take holy water and holy bread (see sec. 37)! Drink the holy water every morning - three sips, fasting.
That evening you can begin programming the water. Water should be prepared in advance (better to take the thawed). You'll need two cups of water. The water in the first glass is designed to relieve boredom. Above it should read 40 times the prayer "O Virgin Theotokos." Water in the second glass making his own "crown of celibacy." Above it should read three times, "Heavenly King" and "Our Father." After this, you pray in your own words the apostle Simon the Zealot, who according to legend, was the groom at a wedding in Cana, where he attended the Lord Jesus Christ. Remember that prayer - not only requested, but heart-to-heart talk. Tell us about the holy life, share their hopes, aspirations. Ask him to prayer intercession and help. Then read a prayer over the water.
Prayer of the Apostle Simon the Zealot
Holy and glorious apostle of Christ vsehvalny Simone spodobivyysya pleasant in thine house in Cana Galilee our Lord Jesus Christ and His Blessed Mother, the Lady Theotokos and eyewitness byti preslavnago miracles of Christ, to manifest your Braz, implementation of water into wine! We beseech Thee with faith and love: Pray Christ the Lord to put our souls from greholyubivyh in bogolyubivyya, save and keep the prayers of thy us from the temptations of the devil and downs of sin, and ask us more than help during the depression and our helpless, but not pretknemsya a rock of offense, but steadily marching salvation through Christ's commandments, till reach the heavenly abodes to where you are now vodvoryaeshisya and veselishisya. To her, the apostle is saved! No interm us kreptse in Thee I trust, but wake us assistant and patron of all our Life and Pomozov we piously and godly life of these things skonchati time, the good and peaceful Christian death poluchiti and dobrago response may be accounted worthy at the Last Judgement of Christ, yes izbezhavshe ordeals of air and power lyutago miroderzhtsa, inherit the kingdom of heaven, and glorified magnificent name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.
Water from the first glass (of grief) to cook every night. Half a cup to drink at night and half a cup - in the morning. You can boil water on this tea, make coffee, diluted juice or fruit compote (in any case not the wine!).
Water on the removal of "the crown of celibacy," it is necessary first to prepare the day of the "treatment", and then cook every Sunday and in the twelve great feasts. This water is not drinking. It is better to moisten the eyes, lips and heart area (after cooking). Residual water sprinkle things that you plan to wear next week. Every day you should be wearing at least one such thing. In addition, daily prayer, read Simon the Zealot (preferably in the morning).
In all twelve great feasts go to church, confession and communion. Serve generous alms to the poor (in money or in kind). Donate to the needs of the church. Try to give some money to the priest and ask him to pray for you. If you are not a rich man, and you have no chance to donate money, help the Church in another way. Go to any priest, and tell me what you would like to work for the church. You will be given job: to wash the floors in the temple, clean the wax from candlesticks, washed and ironed to the lectern covers, etc.
As a rule, gained the "crown of celibacy" is completely eliminated for a year and a half. In my experience was not the case when the "treatment" would have continued longer than 18 months. Follow all instructions listed above - and a half years you will have a happy family.