Conspiracy of tumors
Another conspiracy against cancer vintage, I am giving you. To recite at a bread crumb. Take a piece of bread, trim crusts. In the evening, before the icons are in the house stand up, the bread in his left hand, hold, crossed herself three times and the plot read:
In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen. On the mountain stands the throne of Vertus. Enthroned Mother ever Virgin Mother of God in his hand holding a sword, flogs cancer in white body of his: Spiny, powerful, Gnuchev, rassypuchy, fiery, glatovy, suhpyavy, visceral, bloody, Glazov, wind, water, decaying, poisonous, rotting, crawling, raskiduschy perpetrators, krenisty, yadristy, burlisty.
Thou, Mother of God, all pomogaishi, all diseases utolyaeshi quench the disease of cancer and all call him, dried up the cancer in his body and dried up all the diseases in the blood, bone, brain, veins and let the health of God's servant (name). Glory to the Father and the Son, for ever and ever, amen.
Crumb into three separate and eat the next day, a piece for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Nine days of a conspiracy that read, after a break for nine days and do another nine days, the bread speaks.
Remember that the main plot treatment to help, not instead.