Conspiracy of unhappiness in the house after a quarrel
It happens that in a quarrel one of the women say another, that now she can not see a quiet life, in fact - to pile on the unfortunate misfortune one after another, and the first of them - conflicts with her husband.
Help in such cases. Make it so: let the woman who asked you for help, bring the white (immature) of poppy seeds and the thwarted clover four-and Five-petalled. A woman should sit in front of you with open palms like a platform on which you place the cross of poppies and clover, reading aloud the following plot:
Clover, clover, you're frustrated in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the purity of the Virgin. Yes to serve you in the reconciliation of slaves (name of husband and wife). How to lay poppies next to the clover, and spouses come together, next lie. Amen.
Connect two branches growing near shrubs or trees, and say:
"How do you bred and servant (name of husband) and slave (wife's name) tied before the cross, anointed with oil. As the sun in the water looks, the tree reflected both the husband and wife at each other not nalyubuyutsya not intuitive from now until the century. Amen.