Conspiracy of uterine cancer
Prior to treatment a woman should fast for four weeks. There are very few and only vegetables. Avoid marital bed. Keep themselves clean. Treatment takes place at the first rays of the sun, in a house where he lives ill. Light three wedding candles, candles are thrown in front of the patient. While reading hex, cut three locks of hair from his head, giving the hair on the palm sick.
"I married you, a servant of God, with life and health, with twelve joys, hopes to twelve, with twelve hours and twelve days, with Christ's disciples, with their strength and help. Otvozhu from you, a servant of God (name), severe illness, malaise evil.God bless you. I confide you to the hands of the Lord and his Mother, the Holy One, Blessed Virgin, she'll close her curtain, shine up the way-dorozhenku that was you and not stumbling, that the disease did not yield. He will heal you Lord Christ. My word not to kill and destroy. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.