Conspiracy of water on the wealth
This water twice a day sprinkled purse and hands. The amount of water - half a cup. Choosing a prayer or a conspiracy.
Prayer to Saint John the Merciful the multiplication of wealth
To St John of God, sir zaschitniche orphaned and who were in napasteh! Go to your resort and you pray that Thou an early patron of all seekers of God's consolation in the troubles and skorbeh: not ceases, praying to God for all with faith inflowing to you! You're full of the former Christ's love and goodness, for Thou hast appeared marvelous palace virtues of charity and hast purchased with a name for himself merciful: for Thou hast thou been a river, constantly flowing generous milostmi and all eager abundantly soldered. We believe, for Thou, by relocation of the earth to the sky, worsened in you the gift of grace spreading and Thou art become art the inexhaustible vessel each of charity. Make a UBO your petition and intercession before God, every joy, but thou seek refuge in You take on the world and serene: grant them solace in pechaleh temporary and benefits in the needs of everyday life, inspiring them with hope vechnago resting in the kingdom of heaven. In your Life on earth have you been all suschym thou refuge in every trouble and distress, Obidimo and malaise, and a single from inflowing to you and asked you for mercy denied byst thy of charity: the identity and now tsarstvuya with Christ, God in heaven, show all worship before thy honest icon and begging for help and intercession. Tochiyu not you yourself did Thou mercy helpless, but hearts of others erected Thou consolation to the infirm and the needy to charity: podvigni UBO and now hearts of the faithful to the intercession of the orphaned, the consolation to the grieving and comforting the poor, but not oskudevayut them gifts of mercy, more than the same Yes dwell in them and in the house, thou wards strazhduyuschih, peace and joy in the Holy Doucet, the glory of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, forever and ever. Amen.