Conspiracy to attract the attention of men
This plot with the old days, girls and women account for yourself attracted to men. He is very strong, so be careful - more than three consecutive days did not read it, and then later you will not know where the signs of attention to go.
In the evening on the table put soap or a means by which you usually washed, towel, face cream - that make-up, which you use daily. Three candles around the church put, holy water to sprinkle these things so please read the prayer three times:
Creator and mankind's Sodetelyu kind, giver of grace spiritual deeds, vechnago Giver of salvation, O Lord, Thy Holy Spirit after with the highest blessing on this very thing, for they so armed by the power of the heavenly intercession wills th upotreblyati, assistants will be in bodily salvation and intercession and assistance of Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.
Crossed, candles zaduyte the morning wash with soap these, wipe with a towel, but before finishing his toilet, the words old, say:
I am the servant of God (name), a pink soap umoyusya, polotenyshkom utrusya white, all people priglyanusya brighter light of the month, the red red sun, a bright yarchee zoryushki, belyaya white snow milyaya white light. Sun, I decorated the month the transmission mode, asterisks utychus, dawn Belt. Century to century, and now Dovekie.