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Conspiracy to fascinate people

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Conspiracy to fascinate people

Charm does not depend on your external data. Themselves know, as is sometimes annoying to very nice people. Hence it is not a beauty, but something else. This "other" is quite accessible to you, if you know a few secrets and use them.

Conspiracy to water

When you feel tired, weak, if upset or sick, have in the morning three times to wash his face with cold water from the tap, each time saying:

In the ode, Vodicka, wash my face, the purity, the beauty, the zdorovitse! Amen.

Master of the water will help you, but people will be glad you how to brook in the summer heat.

Plot for a special charm

Done that morning, when you need to look particularly attractive.

Pour into a bowl of cold tap water. Take the left hand three pinches of salt, dissolve salt in water. Utter the water:

By ak people can not live without water, as people can not be without salt as the water they drink so happy as the salt they eat so praising both to me and servant of God (name), people were happy and I would be loved and praised. Amen.

Wash with water and nagovorennoy utrites vena own clothes.

Plots for beauty and attractiveness

Charm - it is certainly nice, but who wants to be, for example, a charming old lady? Probably just disgusting old hag. Yes, and pimples on the face can deprive any charm. And if the hair falls out, no luck just might not be. If you've tried everything, and no makeup, no doctors or medicine men did not help you, then simply refer to the very nature - it helps you to be sure!

1.Zagovor to fish for skin radiance
Take any fresh fish, wash it, clean (do not throw away the scales). Pour into a glass of sunflower oil (about a quarter), take the left hand of a wooden salt cellars three pinches of salt, salt butter, then spread it with their fish. Put the fish in one package, and scales - in another. At dawn, bury the fish in one place, and scales - in another. Digging in, saying:

From fish scales, with my scab. When the fish will rot, then the scab will come with me. Amen.

2.Zagovor for water for cleaning the skin

If a person jumped up acne, or konopushki, or skin was bad, the problem can be solved. It should be poured into a basin of water and light around the pelvis with water 3 candles. Water should be enough to fit into a quart jar. Wash with this water while saying three times:

On God's holy Braz da net, and I have a clean face. Amen.

Then vodichku necessary to merge into a jar and pour it on three corners.

3.Zagovory to the moon for the strength of hair

1.Chtoby hair grew well and did not drop out, you should at midnight on Monday to sit by the window at the new moon and combing her hair, saying:

A una profit hair growth. The moon in its place is held, will not go anywhere, and I have hair on your head keep, grow yes gusteyut. Amen.

2.If you drop your hair, you take the lost hair, put them on the threshold of your home (apartment) and themselves, too, stand on the threshold. Then he clasped his hands locked above his head and say three times:

H anywhere in the sky, without speaking, and I have no hair counts. Month profit of hair growth. Amen.

4.Zagovor water for beauty hair

You should take a small mirror and put it under my pillow at night. In the morning carefully remove the mirror without looking into it, wrap in a handkerchief and hide so that no one had looked.

Close to midnight, pour into a basin of water, put back the mirror reflective surface upward. Precisely at midnight, comb your hair, look in the mirror and say three times:

In an ode to fluid, hair rastuchie. Water in the sea comes, will not decrease, and my hair grows, the head shall not fall. I talked my hair from the evil eye, from damage, from every evil cramps, from envy, from the disease. As the grass so thick silk, and my hair is so dense silk. How to fish in the sea and the sky full of stars, so in my head full of hair. Amen.

Water, then pour and mirror wrap and hide, so that no one had looked.

5.Zagovor on plants for beauty hair

On Monday, at noon, tear nine leaves of birch and nine leaves of nettles. At home, in the bedroom, put them on a sheet of white paper and leave it until Friday. On Friday at noon the leaves crumble into dust, and cover with water. At midnight on Friday rub this mixture of hair roots, saying:

By rapiva grows, but no it does not tear, does not break, everyone respects her, so would my hair grow so do not burst, do not break, and all would have admired my hair. As birch branches densely Kudrevatykh yes, so and I am the servant of God (name), was rich in hair. Amen.

6.Zagovory for returning youth to the moonlight and the water

1.Vozmite glass of cold water from the tap and put a window on the new moon, in a glass dip a silver spoon. On the window glass should be three nights, so that the water soaked in moonlight. On the fourth night, at midnight, go outside and stand so that you fell in the moonlight. Wash with this water and say:

A UNA-beauty, give me your beauty. As for people admire your beauty, so be on me, God's servant (name), admired. Amen.

2.In the full moon, pour a glass of boiled water, left hand throw into it a pinch of salt and put the glass so that it fell moonlight. Next pronounce this hex to until all the salt has dissolved:

B udu pale so I light that the moon in the sky. Amen.

Let the glass stand up there all night.

In the morning, washed on an empty stomach drink a glass of water nagovorennoy, saying to himself: "Water - to me, the beauty - to me." Repeat these words until then, until the end of the water in a glass.

Conspiracy to attract adulation

Such love is in any case you will be the assistant. And bring it simple. You will need a large mirror, the more the better, preferably full length, flower vase, fresh flowers. Flowers should be seven or nine, they can be any, unless it is a rose, do not forget to remove the thorns. Flowers you can cut into your own garden or bought, it does not matter. Just before you put them in a vase, ask for their forgiveness for what their cut.

The ritual should be performed in solitude. Turn off all phones! Remember: any intervention, not only will reduce your efforts to nothing, but hurt those forces to which you are applying - will only get worse. If it does hinder you, the ritual had to be postponed, but you have to recite a prayer to Jesus Christ:

And Jesus Christ, Son of God, the One Deity Trisagion, Mrs. Bogoroditelnitse Virgin, the Holy See, the Angels, Archangels, Cherubim, Seraphim of principles, you bow, you kayusya. Forgive me, O God, the great sins of thy servant (name). Forgive the sins of slaves and the unknown, let go, forgive, for they will confess to Thee, the One Lord and my God. Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mother of God, holy God arhistratizhe Michael with all the heavenly powers! Deliver me from a cruel death, from death in vain, of a dashing man, a black eye from the blasphemous by word, from a remote road on the unkind heart. You bow, you burn candles, you will commit my spirit. Amen.

Put the flowers into a large bowl in front of a mirror or on a shelf in front of a mirror so that the colors reflect in the mirror. Undress to panties. Stand in front of a mirror. Take one flower from the vase and start stroking yourself petals on the hair, forehead, ears. Then descends down his cheeks, touching his chin.

Close your eyes and eyelids gently stroking petals. At the same time, say these words: "I see love."

Dip the flower below. Inhale its scent as if you drink it. Try to feel that the flavor of the flower fills your soul. Say: "I breathe love."

Open your eyes, pick up a flower over your head and say: "Love is in my hands."

Press the flower to the heart so that the petals are gone and it clung to your skin like the lips in a kiss. Feel like a prisoner in a flower power gets into you. Say the following words: "I feel love."

Then tap the flower belly and say: "I absorb the love."

Now, holding a flower in front of him, look at your reflection in the mirror and, without taking his eyes off him, admiring a good-naturedly, he said the following:

B OH is love, the love of God dwells in the world, I am servant of God (name) covers. Love, cover, turn around love, in love go to sleep, wake up with love. Amen.

Say everything has to be heartfelt feeling that chant. Disclose yourself to this flower, give yourself in his power. He is to treat your heart, in which the accumulated resentment, frustration, pain.

After completion of the ritual put a flower in a vase and carefully mark it - that flower you have already given yourself, your strength has helped you. Tomorrow you will take the next flower - and so every day until popolzuetes each.

This is a mirror and a vase of flowers should be in a location past which you frequently throughout the day pass. Best of all at the same time, if a vase will remain near the mirror.

After wilting flower, which held a ceremony, you must remove it from the bowl and buried in the ground, after thanking the cast for the sake of your happiness force.

Conspiracy to love all people

Utter the ring or on the cross, put yourself in his bosom, or in a handkerchief:

From rob people, good people, honest to Christ's feast. As at the cross, but on the domes, the mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary, to a different image, so be on the servant of God (name) looked old and looked old, the young men, old women staryya, molodyya moloduhi, light glowing maid, small robyatki, so would be a slave God's (name) looked and looked, so be God's servant (name) seemed more beautiful than the red sun, purer than pure silver. Take my word, hard and strong, unbreakable for ever. The keys in the water and lock in your hands. Amen.

Conspiracy to acquire servants' love

From Thane I, the servant of God (name), in the morning, bless and chiasm; go out into the open field, have a look at all four sides: on the east side stands the holy church. How about this church and watching zaryatsya and servant of God (name) would look and zarilis old old women, old aged, small children, red girl, young fellows, and looked zarilis servant of God (name). Take my words are strong and emki the keys podzemelnye. Amen.

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