Conspiracy to find a job to work took
Water, programmed to search for good work, wash hands, face and sprayed with clothes. The amount of water - from 0.5 liters.
Prayer at the beginning of the case
Lord Jesus Christ, the Son begotten Beznachalnago Father! Thou hast an ad prechistym Thy usty: For without Me you can not tvoriti nichesozhe. O Lord God, faith in the capacity of my soul and heart thee utterance, pripadaet thy goodness: Pomozov mi, a sinner, this thing, I nachinaemo about you Samem sovershiti in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.
The prayer of finding a good job saint Mitrofan Voronezh
When St. Mitrofan already wore the episcopal dignity, then asked the venerable persons of his son Ivan, that was the patronage to his position and that his son had kept himself away from the wicked people.
On the prelate, Father, Mitrofanov, All of us sinners and incorruptible relics of your honest and many blagodeyanmi, wonderfully done and sodevaemymi thee uverivshesya, we confess, Thou Imashev show great grace of the Lord our God, and to thy vsesmirenno blagoserdiyu pripadayusche, you pray thee: Pray for us Christ our God, yes nizposlet all your thought upon the sacred memory and hard for you resorting Its richest grace; stablish in His Holy Orthodox Church, the living spirit of true faith and blagoche ticipation, the spirit of knowledge and love, the spirit of peace and joy in the Holy Doucet, but all her offspring, pure suscha from worldly temptations and lusts of the flesh zlago of evil spirits, spirit and truth worship Him and diligently on keeping the commandments of His salvation of their souls so potschatsya. The shepherd of her Lord give holy zeal care about saving people, in the hedgehog neveruyuschiya enlighten, NLO nastaviti, somnyaschiyasya vrazumiti, O thou backsliding from the Orthodox Church to her vozvratiti, believing in faith to observe, encourage sinners to repentance, a contrite uteshiti and in correcting life utverditi and tacos all people to have prepared the eternal kingdom of His saints lead. Pray for the Lord, ugodniche Christ: His faithful servants, in grief and sorrow day and night cry to him, let him hear the cry mnogobolezenny and yes izvedet from ruin our stomach. All the same in power lyudem be granted to the good God is our peace, quiet, serene and an abundance of fruits of the earth, contrary to the commandments as his diligence nelenostnoe, and let him deliver tsarstvuyuschiya castles, this city and all inyya castles and villages, from smooth, pants, the Flood , fire, sword, strange invasion, mezhdousobnyya battle, smertonosnyya ulcers and from every evil. Her, the saint of God, yes ustroishi Pray all the good souls and bodies by our yea and we praise in the hearts and teleseh our Lord and our God, Jesus Christ, Emuzhe with the Father and the Holy Spirit be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.