Conspiracy to improve personal life
Do you know how often a person: like and intelligent, and visually attractive, and sociable, and all the personal life he has not built up. And with men it happens with women. Just came to me an attractive young lady - this type of appearance, about which they say always: "what a good person." Look at it and see what a good man, to his possession. My eyes smart, attentive, pleasant voice.
And that girl with tears in his eyes tells me his sad story.
Surprisingly, men are at it just did not pay attention: "Look, if through me, do not notice." And those who still managed to establish communication, they became good friends, but no more. Therefore, the petitioner had neither family nor children, nor even a young man in mind. And I must say that in her career did not develop. Like and have a job, but no prospects. In short, everything was gray.

And here came this girl to me. "If it does not - he says - to leave the monastery." The monastery, of course, a good thing, but only to the Lord anything to go by the call of the soul went, and not on what life in the world do not stack. So we decided to rectify the situation - first things first - a word of prayer, and after - and incantation. And the miracle happened, and the fate of his martyr met there, where it did not expect. On the street with a guy ran - he turns, points at home have forgotten, here and ran into her. Began to apologize, something to lift, but when they met the eyes - both about all forgotten. So, said and stood for about five minutes looking at each other. And only then the whole world shine colors. In an instant it all came together. And so it always does.