Conspiracy to "molchalnuyu" water for all ills
This plot helps to overcome any illness. Water "molchalnoy" from a live source type. "Molchalnoy" it would be if you zacherpnete her, and while you to carry up to the house, no one uttered a word.
Home water is poured into a large dish, light church candles and so hold that the wax dripped into the water. While the candle burns - Conspiracy reading.
In the city Irusalime samoluchshee tree stood, under this tree stood three St.: Michael the Archangel, Kuzma-Demian, and Simon Monk. This Simon Monk walked into the path of the road. And come across to meet him twelve virgins, sisters: oblique, lame, curves, and the impoverished. He was afraid of them and asked: "What you are for people, what are they?" - "We humans are not simple - King Herod's daughter" .- "Where are you going?" They told him: "In the way of the road: bones ache, body shiver, into the tomb to score. " He was angry at them: cut one hundred rods, and struck hundred times. They begged him: "Oh thou, Simon Monk! Do not Kill you one hundred rods, do not beat us hundred times! "
During the day water charmed patient watered, and before bed let her umoetsya, or you can wipe off his face. This water every day to cook until the relief will not occur.