Conspiracy to protect homes
Take a white candle and a sharp knife. Take the candle with a knife seven notches at equal distances from each other so that you get a carved candle. Light a candle. Let the first day of the candle will burn down to the first notch, as long as you do their morning chores, then extinguish the flame and leave it until the next day. The next morning, light a candle, let it burn until the next notch. On the seventh day after the candle is burned completely, take oplavok, wrap it in paper with the text of the conspiracy and hide at home in a safe place (preferably under the floorboards).

From the temple of toit, but not by me built, arranged by God, all saints erected. St. Nicholas dig a pit, St. Athanasius floor bridge, St. Paraskevi roof wing, St. Michael the archangel windows hacked, St. Kirik threshold stelae, St. Simeon the door get along. My house is worth that God's temple, the holy secure, God otmolenny, God rest his support, the sky was his roof, Protection Mother of God protect him. Lord Jesus Christ came and help me, the temple of UIS from all evil defense. Queen of Heaven, to protect all who were in this house from every trouble and strife, and malicious libel. Amen.