Conspiracy to upgrade to always had a lot of beautiful clothes
This conspiracy read on every update (read only on clothing). Who reads it, the fact will always be full of new and beautiful clothes.
O Lord our God, the beginning of the creation of thy sotvorivy heaven and earth: and the sky UBO ukrasivy great luminary, prosveschati hedgehog on earth, and those you chuditisya single Sodetelyu and Vladytse creatures: the earth is ukrasivy grasses and weeds, and the difference in seed, sow on the genus, and all and flowers covered in blagoukrashenie, blessed art Thou th: Sam and now, O Lord look down from Thy holy dwelling on the contraction of these things, and bless e: e preserve unharmed from every charovaniya and charm and all evil, the evil one and the same oplaznstva cunning crafty people: and grant him prinesiti fruit at a time filled with the blessings of thy: vsyakago and beast and reptile, worm and flies, and also rzhu, heat and pitch, and bezgodnyya winds injury nanosyaschyya, otzheni from him. Jako sanctified and glorified, most honorable and majestic name of thy Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen.