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Consult with a pendulum

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Consult with a pendulum

Becoming more popular nowadays bioenergetic pendulums. And it is not surprising, because these simple devices are not only able to provide answers to urgent questions, but also to identify geopathic zones in the house, find a sore spot in the body, as well as clean the house and the person from unwanted energy. In fact, the ancestress of the pendulum - the vine. Our ancestors with the help of vines found water, natural resources, the most suitable places to build temples, etc.

The phenomenon of the pendulum was studied Nostradamus, Lomonosov, Goethe, and many other well-known personality. The fact that the pendulum is "working" today nobody doubts, but we should not think that the pendulum will work for everyone! In fact, the probability of getting a wrong answer, quite large and the purpose of this article, brief and suggest how to work with a pendulum.

What should be the pendulum?

The pendulum can make even the most - it can be a pendant, button, needle, a coin, etc. But, of course, it's better that it was already finished pendulum of a certain material and certain forms. The pendulum can be made of brass, copper, aluminum, iron, bronze and silver.

If you get the pendulum of iron, be aware that some metals have a tendency to absorb information, iron is one of these metals, so the iron pendulum is assumed to be periodically cleaned. For the purification of the pendulum to wash under running water.
Also, the pendulum may be made of stone - amethyst, quartz, rock crystal, amber and turquoise.

The most successful form of a pendulum is a cone or as a drop, with the pointed end. Weight of the pendulum varies from 10 grams and 80 grams. Thread better not take the synthetic, the length is chosen depending on the weight of the pendulum and the length of the elbow, usually within 10-20 cm pendulum should be selected on the basis of personal loyalties. First of all, it must do you like in appearance, and you should be nice, keep it in your hands.

How to work with a pendulum?

When you have decided on the choice of a pendulum, hold it in the hands of a few minutes and then put in your pocket, it is necessary that the pendulum has absorbed your vibration. New pendulum definitely need a few minutes rinse under running water, because nobody knows who it was holding up to you, and what with the thoughts were with the man. The water will carry away the accumulated earlier information. Only then you can start working with a pendulum. In no case do not let someone take your pendulum and even more to work with him. Try as often as possible to take a pendulum with each other.

So, you want to ask the pendulum. The pendulum should be taken in hand and bob should hang over the table surface at a height of 10.5 millimeters. Keep the string you want to skip it over your index finger, but it does not matter, you can hold the rope with a pendulum as you want. Be sure to lean his elbow on a hard surface, desk or armrest.

The very first thing you need to do to get from the pendulum answers to their questions - this is to contact him. Mentally, you should ask him about the cooperation and agreement, which movements correspond to what. Typically, when the pendulum says "Yes" - this swing back and forth relative to the body, if it oscillates across the body, then he says "No". The pendulum can also perform other movements, so you must clearly identify where you have a "Yes" and where "No".

To do this, asks simple questions for which you know the answers. On my red sweater? I am a woman? The ceiling in the room white? Movements may also be circular - it means "I do not know", and variations can be circular clockwise - it's closer to a positive solution, or counter-clockwise - it's closer to a negative response or reluctance in general to answer.

The most important thing when working with the pendulum does not attempt to influence his response. Ie you need to relax and not try to force the pendulum to move in the direction in which you would like. Remember, you can mentally affect the motion of a pendulum. Therefore, when working with a pendulum try to show as little emotion, and if a question for you, too burning, do not ask him until he can do it safely.

What questions can ask the pendulum?

Some strict rules regarding the questions that you can set the pendulum, in principle, no. You can ask the pendulum almost everything: This product is good nutrition? What food are most useful for me (and lists)? Should I go to a meeting with a man (name)? When should I sign a contract? Where did I put my keys? The most important thing is that your intentions were good, you do not try using the pendulum to get some incriminating information about someone, the more pure your intentions, the better you get the job done with a pendulum. Do not take the hands of a pendulum, if you are plotting something bad.

Many people think that using a pendulum can only get answers to urgent questions - it is not. The pendulum will also allow you to remove from you (or someone) all negative energy. To remove the bad energy from the person enough to have on hand his photos. Before we get started with a photo to ask the pendulum if you can work with this person? Only if the pendulum will give a positive response, proceed to clean up. If a person has negative energy, the pendulum usually begins to rotate clockwise. Ask the "clean up" the man of bad energy, the session is somewhere in 15 minutes, until the pendulum stops spinning.

Who gives us the information?

Of course, the information comes to us not from the pendulum, because the pendulum - it's just a rope with weights, so who is with us is online? This may be the essence of the subtle world, such as your own subtle body, which we used to call "subconscious" or "soul." It is also a variety of spirits and clean and sinners, the souls of dead people, ethereal essence of the plan. Therefore, working with the pendulum to show respect for those who are with you in touch. I would not advise you to appeal to the deceased grandparents to ask, for example, what you put on a blouse for a date or what movie you watch. If you handle the simple questions, ask your subconscious. If you have questions or-break event, then you can ask for help or encourage the spirits of dead souls.

Working with a pendulum, always ask who is giving you information as you can meet little devils, and in this case the reliability of the responses received do not have hope. Ask me to this: I say to the spirit? I'm talking to a demon? In order to get reliable answers, we must first of all, have a positive setting for a pendulum.

Do not take the answers of the pendulum, as the undeniable truth, remember that when working with a pendulum is very easy to make mistakes, but eventually you learn to ignore the issues and rely on a pendulum. This article is intended for introduction to the pendulum and its possibilities, but to learn how to extract the maximum benefit in working with the pendulum, of course, you need more literature. In my opinion, the most successful and fully describe all the features of a pendulum Anton Stangl, Lyudmila Sheaves and O. Krasavin. Books by these authors and I recommend it. Good luck and success to you!

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