Contact with holy water carefully
Holy water - a truly versatile vehicle. But the use of holy water must have faith and reverence. Its action is similar to the effect of drugs or charged water. It lives and breathes the Holy Spirit, who will not tolerate abuse and violence. It helps a person only if his heart is open, and thoughts are pure. Keep this in mind, and do not pollute the sanctuary.
Prayer of the desecration of St. Basil the Great
Merciful, imperishable, undefiled, sinless Lord, cleanse me, Thy servant nepotrebnago from all impurity, and carnal dushevnyya, and from neglect and discouragement of my arrived mi dung, with INEM all my iniquity, and waking me undefiled, Lord, for Thy goodness of Christ , and sanctify me invasion Thy Most Holy Spirit: Thou yes vozbnuv from impure mist ghosts devil and all impurity, spodoblyusya pure conscience, my bad hole and unclean lips, and to sing to the All-Holy Thy name, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.