Convert incompatible relations compatible
According to statistics, the number of divorces in our country has become catastrophic. The number of divorces was greater than the number of marriages. Marriages fall apart for various reasons - from financial problems to differences in the nature of the spouses. So what do couples who have no understanding? Can astrological incompatibility break the bonds of Hymen? Whether there are hopelessly incompatible couple? And if so, is there any way to make incompatible relationships - compatible?
Astrology today are increasingly entering the arena of practical tasks. This science, which, incidentally, has more than 4000 years, are increasingly being used as a tool to help people understand and overcome their problems. As a practicing astrologer, I often have to produce horoscopes couples where partners are emotional opposites . I mean, not even the difference of characters - often the problem is not that one of the spouses, for example, unsociable moody man, and another - a more open and cheerful. It is a question that is often faced with situations where a man and a woman simply could not understand the emotional nature of their half and were therefore not able to respond to it properly. Many of these couples, despite deep mutual love, and have not managed to overcome their differences separating.
Traditionally, women complain that their husbands are different insensitivity. In my practice there, and vice versa. Contact me men felt that their wives or girl rather cold and unemotional, and they in turn believed these men are too sentimental and expansive.
According to astrological typology people share a reasonable type of emotional and personality type . For signs of the elements characterized by feelings of desire and need to feel a strong emotional relationship. The character element of the mind such a level of relationship causes tension, and they have clearly seen the desire for emotional independence.
For successful interaction and mutual emotional satisfaction it is necessary that both partners belong to the element of feeling or to the element of mind, ie that both were or chuvstvennikami "or" Razumnik.
If your star sign relates to the element of emotion (water signs - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces or fire signs - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), you should enter into relationships with partners of the same elements, with those who are inclined to feel first, and then already think. They tend to make a decision dictated by the feeling and need the emotional response. If your spouse gives you an idea of what you need too deep emotional contact, then he (she) is likely to belong to the signs of mental elements (earth or air signs).
Painting will be the opposite if your zodiac sign refers to the element of reason (earth signs - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn or air signs - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius). You will find that your emotional wave set up only the people of the same characters. Just like you, they tend to first think and then let his feelings. They tend to make well informed decisions and can not withstand the constant emotional stress.
If you are not a couple, what to do?
Numerous scientific studies have established that people tend to choose a life of satellites is very similar to a human. Especially attractive are those who seem familiar and relatives with whom we feel like "home". Do you feel that it is such a person would be able to understand us. We all have comfort in communicating with partners who share our views. But sometimes we can attract and contrast, especially when the differences in flamboyant personality type.
Have you read the text above and upset - it turned out that you and your partner belong to incompatible poems .... Do not worry. There are cases where "Razumnik" and "chuvstvennikam manages to build a sincere and emotionally healthy relationships. And to make it happen, you need the following: man and woman should be mature people and love each other.
In addition, you should not be additional negative factor in personal horoscopes that will exacerbate the difficulties. On the contrary, we need the positive factors that help to overcome the incompatibility. Present or absent or that factors in your horoscope compatibility - can provide a professional astrologer for advice.
Need to partner belonging to the emotional type, forced himself to accept the fact that the partner "Razumnik" more emotionally restrained by nature, and he in turn must realize how important "chuvstvennika" emotions. Each partner must respect the emotional nature of the other. This increases the chances of co-existence.
If your partner does not want to understand the above, then most likely you have a problem of another kind, having nothing to do with the difference in signs of the zodiac. Loving People always understand that not to meet the beloved person - selfish and even cruel .
And remember - you should be able to negotiate. After all, persistence, or an ultimatum could provoke a backlash, and then no results can not be expected.
In addition, people who belong to the element of reason (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) are generally more resistant to innovation and advice from outside, because they are less inclined to put first emotion. From the same company, "earthly" people (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) will persist even more than "air" (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius). Aries, Leos and Gemini can not stand the councils, especially persistent - they are simply annoying.
Knowing about these features of his partner, preferably in a neutral tone to ask him or her, whether he wants (it) to listen to something on this topic. Most likely, you will say "yes" - if only out of curiosity. Remind them that the interviewee has the right to terminate your monologue at any second - if the conversation would be distasteful to him, or he wants to listen at another time.
Do not seek to bring down on your partner to an endless stream of thoughts, feelings and experiences. Release of information "chunks", so that your buddy was able to understand you, digest the information you refer to it.
In order that the conversation was a successful and productive, choose a suitable place and time. For example, do not contrive to personal conversation topic in a crowded and noisy place, and not worth it to start if you both are in a hurry, do not have enough time to listen to each other.
Learn to listen carefully to each other
This is my first recommendation to couples consisting of "incompatible" typecasting. Truly magical things happen when we suddenly stops and really listen, as someone explains to us their thoughts and desires - listen without prejudice, without criticism, without unnecessary advice. This is called "active listening" and it is fundamentally different from the normal hearing.
There is a wonderful book written by Dr. Thomas Gordon, "The training effectiveness of parenting" in which he describes this amazing technique as follows: you like "wins back back" to someone listening to, what do you think he (she) said. You pronounce, repeating word for word (like a parrot) or perefraziruete heard in their own words - but without adding any additions, criticism, bias silt and advice. This is the most effective method of communication, which is able to fix the relationship with anyone. He was so effective that can restore damaged ties.
Unfortunately, this is not so easy to learn, especially for people with a fiery temperament - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. They are so tempted to throw in my advice - as soon as they thought they captured the essence of the problem. And, of course, if they thought they heard something stupid or out of the ordinary, they will not fail to express their opinions - and then switch to their own ideas and tips. This is bad because the true magic of active listening is that it helps people understand themselves. If we climb to them with his criticism, notations, or offer their own solution, then we can send them the wrong way. Feeling the condemnation, our interlocutor will lose any desire to share with us in the future for fear of being ridiculed.
Perhaps the recipe for normal relations - is when your partner truly feels our love. And therefore we must understand that the main thing - it's not our satisfaction perception manifestations own love, and the perception of partner manifestation of our love. Speaking about the tensions between the emotional and intelligent men and the differences in the style of their relationship, we mean the difference in the manifestation of emotions.
Understanding what it expects from you emotionally partner may be a step towards the gradual changes that will promote the convergence. Remember, this is not a fad person close to you and the vital need for it. What he wants from you, you need him to feel your sincere love and attention to his feelings . He wants to know that you care about.
And most importantly remember that we are all "stuff is made" from a totally different "test". Unfortunately, we are often obstinate in their opinion that it is our "test" is better and tastier. It's human nature, but to no good like this stubbornness will not. Our "test" is not the best - it is just different.
You - the emotional type, and your partner - a reasonable type of
You must remember this: you really want a stormy emotional contact. But your partner - "Razumnik" - no less urgent needs quite the opposite - a more subdued feeling, "Pending" displays of emotion. Sometimes this style of relationship can hurt you cool, seeming aloofness ...
Do not forget that in emotional terms the two of you - the complete opposite. You react emotionally first, and only then stop and begin to understand their feelings. And your partner will do quite the opposite: first, to think the situation to determine what exactly it feels. You can not modify the nature of your partner Razumnik, but you will be able to help him to more easily express their emotions.
You must provide a "Razumnik" the greatest emotional comfort. At its extreme, thinking the signs are so panicky fear of emotion, that any emotional conversation scares them. They immediately try to round off the debate because they fear that talking about feelings will result in the dispute, quarrel, or at least in the conversation on a raised voice. Of course, since a lot easier today to discuss the weather or the recent victory Nikolay Davydenko and Elena Dementieva in the tournament for the Kremlin Cup!
Try to encourage him the slightest attempt to share with you my feelings . Do not try to predict how he will express his emotions - let things go, how it goes. Do not be offended when he does not support you when you need it. Remember, if you do not have enough of his emotions, this does not mean that he has little loves you - just your spouse does not know how to communicate in a style which would suit you emotionally.
If the horoscope of your partner most of the planets are located in the signs of the Earth and / or air, and in your horoscope is strong enough the influence of water and / or fire, the conflict between your desire for spiritual communion and his desire for detachment can be really serious. It will take a huge exposure, in order to overcome this difference.
In this situation, mature people find the strength to respect the features and differences of each other, promising to find some level of compatibility. In particular, the partner "thinks" the sign must realize that emotions and their expression - does not such a terrible thing, and the partner "feels" the sign must learn to control myself and try to make important decisions based on facts and realities, and not only on their own feelings.
You - the smart style, and your partner - emotional type
If you feel uncomfortable from the constant pull of your partner for emotional contact (for example, he or she does not cease to complain that you are cold and behaves like a cracker), you are able to defuse the situation. You can narrow the gap separating you, though, of course, differences in regard to the emotions still remain.
First of all, do not assume that your partner is so wrong. Naturally, we all tend to think that it is we are right and that unlike the people we came from somewhere on another planet. But do not despair: emotionally diverse people can not only coexist, but be happy.
Believe me, "chuvstvennik" as much in need of emotions as you - a self-monitoring and self-restraint, self-discipline. You first think things through, and then decide what you feel on a particular occasion, and your partner will do everything else - it will stop and start to understand yourself is, after respond in obedience to the first pulse.
If you are an exception among the "Razumnikov" and do not always keep her feelings under lock and key, then most likely you have a personal horoscope two planets, or even placed in water or fire. However, if your zodiac sign is located in the element of earth or air, then you will be calmer with emotions than your incontinent partner - regardless of other factors and features of the horoscope.
The smaller planets have a reasonable type of emotional element of water or fire, so uncomfortable in his emotional situations. If this description matches your personal feelings, then you will be particularly difficult to understand and accept your overly emotional partner. If in your horoscope "chuvstvennika" there is no major planet in the "thinking" elements of the Earth and / or air, the gulf between you will be even deeper.
What to do in this situation? must learn to respect each other's personality traits . Search for promising level of compatibility. In particular, a person "thinks" the sign must realize that we should not so afraid of emotions and their manifestations, but a man of "emotional" mark must learn to control their feelings and try to take vital decisions based on facts, not just their own emotions.
If both partners are sincere efforts to find mutual understanding, the success is real enough to achieve not only the "emotional world, but this intimacy. Learn to communicate. Communication - the foundation of any relationship. On how successful it will be, and depends largely quality of the relationship. When in the course of communication, both partners share their joys, sorrows, fears, they become closer to each other. And reach mutual understanding. The more closely intertwined lives, the less likelihood of conflicts. Quarrel over the inner world of a difference does not mean the end of love, especially if members of the couple retained the respect and trust each other.