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Cook with your child

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Cook with your child

To stimulate interest in the baby food you can bring it to the direct preparation of various dishes. Of course, you hardly can entrust your child to any complex operations in the kitchen, but a contribution it can make in this difficult case. Thus, four toddler may well wash the potatoes, a blind form of a pie or cut biscuits. Importantly - praise him for his diligence, even if the potato is not quite clear, but a pie reminds something formless. Not important, and his desire to help you and prepare itself to receive food. Of course, the active participation of the child in cooking can create a lot of unnecessary difficulties and problems for the mother or grandmother.

However, if you want it ate well and was distinguished by an appetite, and therefore developed, you have to make some sacrifices. In addition, each day the baby will receive all the better and better, so pretty soon you'll be able to get in his face the perfect assistant. Thus, the inconvenience can bring quite effective results: a great appetite for the baby and its rapid development, since the operations of the kitchen requires some effort of will and mental costs. Already at the table when they gather all the members of the family, be sure to pay attention to the fact that the kid was involved in the preparation of a dish.

Everyone's surprise and praise will help him to feel its necessity and importance. In addition, under the adoring eyes of his relatives he can not refuse food in the cooking of which he himself had participated. Therefore, cook with your child. You need to convince the kid that as a process of cooking, and her technique is very important for the body of the child and to communicate with family and friends. Long been observed that the child begins to have a significantly better when the full possession of a spoon and eat their own learning. Maybe he just interesting learning a new subject, as well as in some way partake of the adult world. Of course, this is not such a simple exercise, as it may seem at first glance an adult, so the first few days after the baby learns to hold a spoon, for sure every meal will be accompanied by contaminated clothing and bits of food scattered around the room.
Please be patient, because of how quickly the kid has to learn on their own, independent, and his desire to eat all the food offered, and even his mental development. Child as soon as possible should try their hand in this matter, because the sooner he will take in the hands of a spoon, the quicker he will learn to use this appliance, the fewer problems you experience with breastfeeding. Yes, you perforce have to face some kind of difficulty, but the results must be expressed in an increasing appetite for your offspring. There should always be noted that once a child learns to eat their own dish for 10-15 minutes, you should generally refuse to feed it with a spoon.

 Sometimes parents do not allow your child to take the initiative, fearing for the cleanliness of the house. And so he reaches the age of two and gets used to the fact that he is fed, and he was suddenly handed a spoon and require him to eat alone! Of course, this turn of events he creates a lot of problems. Kid capricious, does not want to eat with a spoon, loses appetite. The child with parents appears tension. As a result, in most cases ends up with a mother or father does not stand up again and start to feed your baby with a spoon. In this case, it is very important to show restraint. If you for whatever reason missed the moment when the child is reached for the spoon, you still give him the device. Perhaps first you'll act together in this direction.

The child will try to bring his spoon to his mouth, and you help him. Gradually, the baby will receive all the better and better, so after a while he will be able to cope with the food itself. At that moment, when he tries to have himself, his parents are very important to remain calm and patiently guiding hand of the kid, or sudden movement or shouting you can not help to instill an aversion to the fumes of a particular food. Probably the most effective way to keep the appetite of the child - be attentive to all his wishes concerning food, and not to disturb him decide what he wants to eat. Even if he prefers any one dish, and absolutely not to touch the other, should not be alarmed, most likely, his tastes through some period of time itself changed. Your main task - to ensure their baby varied and balanced diet.

To feel satiety, a person after a meal should be a time to wait, so she could learn, and he felt saturation. It is therefore not rush your child, trying as quickly as possible to push it a fair amount of all kinds of food. Your joint meal should be accompanied by a quiet conversation. And the child a positive attitude to food, it was in this period, he can learn a great deal from their families and to speak on equal terms with senior representatives of the family. Be sure that these meals have a beneficial effect both on its digestion and the psyche.
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