Cooperation adults and children
No community of people (professional or friendly, child or adult) can not do without cooperation. Willingness and ability "to work in a team" lately become valuable qualities that are mentioned in the summary, developing the corporate trainings. Collaboration adults and children is very important, can successfully cooperate in any children's team, is only slightly modify the traditional approaches.
First of all, we should realize the thrust of its own pedagogic actions and refuse:
a) by comparing the children;
b) on the estimation, even innocuous means such as issuing "stars" or "tokens";
c) from overuse games, competitions. Children's community should not be competitive and aggressive.
This does not mean that we will not notice and develop leadership qualities. Must be. But not at the expense of other children.
• As often as possible to use in a speech the pronoun "we": "We older group," we are restless, "" we are great guys. "
• Offer children tasks that need to perform together - collectively one or more days of work to create collages, layouts, scenery, etc.
• Emphasize the contributions of each are not limited to report, "responsible for the job."
• Ask children questions about the contribution of each to the common cause of wellbeing, the convenience, the desire to continue working together.
Learn how to properly respond to the statements of children
The eternal problem: on the one hand, you have to go for a child to respond to their interests and needs, provide personal oriented approach, on the other hand, it is important to realize that conceived, built into the plan. Improvisation is necessary, but ... First of all, to hold a conversation in the right part is knowing how to properly respond to the statements of children. For example, if in response to what the child: "I am a mom yesterday evening reading a book, you begin to ask questions: What was the name book, what she was, What did you like, etc., you get the reaction of others:" And I also have a laptop. " "And my mother and I walked into the store, etc. Kids do not like to be ignored and tend to win it.
So, if you need to give a voice to as many children - choose a strategy to respond to the feeling. "It's nice to spend the evening with his mother." Heard the news, feeling understood and indicated, clarifying the statement does not imply, eye contact is over. Or during the lesson suddenly appears saying on a trip to visit his grandmother. But if the child is talking about it, so his thoughts are far from the theme sessions. Should I scold him? You'd better ask him: "And where your grandmother lives, there are trees?" (If session focuses on flora), and return the child to the topic.
Or the lesson in math suddenly sounds: "And I have my grandfather died yesterday." Even if you properly react to the child's feelings: "I understand how you're sad and hurt", then perhaps the story did not end there - death is not such a simple thing as a trip to his grandmother, and excites, as a rule, many children. If you feel the reaction of children who do not want to miss an important moment in the social and emotional development - carefully switch: "You guys want to talk about this?" Wait for an answer. If it is positive, ask the following question: "What would you like to ask me or Natasha?" Answers simple, brief and clear.
Return to mathematics: "You and I had planned today to learn how to count in order. I think all the more difficult today, Natasha. Who among you wants to help her count the cubes Natasha? "In talking with children are important sincerity and respect for their thoughts, not belittling their feelings and experiences, and the union you have with them:" We are with you ... "
Live "by the rules"
Terms of Service - another condition for the successful coexistence of different people. Adults who try to live by the principle "anything that is not forbidden." In a family or a group of kindergarten is that you can and what can not be determined by the parents or caregivers. Children often imputed to the rules as Maxim's "impossible to fight because it's not good," you need to share "," need to be polite with adults, "etc. This certainly is a way of socializing and appropriation of public culture, but correct if the children will learn to live by the rules to date for their children's community content, and co-operation of adults and children will only contribute to it.
To do this, carefully observe and identify those situations that require regulatory rules. In each group, they will own. Do not rush to make his "the only correct language, the rules allow children to think and to put forward their ideas. Write a rule in the presence of children by large capital letters. If necessary, paint it with clear symbols, signs. Put the rule in a conspicuous place (the best, where it often is necessary). Use a plate to rule as a reminder and not pronounce it infinite. Administered simultaneously to two or three rules. Remove the rule when most children learn to respect it. Put the "waste rule in the rule book group.
How to appease "violators"
Troublemakers always enough: kids do not run away, fool around and have some fun. This simply pushes active nature, mobile psyche and a constant willingness to joy. It is crucial from the outset to determine: whether children are eligible? Yes, if it has its place and does not violate the general pace of life a group of children. Yes, even if it violates some common calm. This is not a contradiction, there is simply no clear answer. The basis for responding to your understanding of the meaning of what is happening in the group, understanding the feelings of children and respect their right to be children.
Children do not always understand that and when you can, but we do not explain it. We simply do not allow, if we see that something unplanned. Hence, perhaps, an unexpected proposal - sometimes get themselves "troublemakers", showing a reasonable time, place and way of expressing emotions, desires and actions. For example: "We now have a little time to walk, you can indulge. Who's with me playing the "snowballs" (balls of paper)? "," We were sitting so long that even his legs numb. I'd like to jump. Where it is better to do? I bet I'm taller than you bounce. "
If you and I will create an opportunity for the emotional richness of life in a group, the children will have less to "amateur". This will help us to unexpected holiday - a holiday smile, a feast, "the opposite", the festival of lights burning, the holiday of a large cake, celebration balloons, holiday spots, etc.
But if, despite our best efforts, there are those who want more, then:
1) Do not use the right to ban, simply discuss with the others, than do not want this behavior and how to do better;
2) Use the right to ban and firmly say: "You can play around and make some noise on the walk, but now be careful."