Correction of motility disorders in children
Clay has a number of properties that make it very convenient for remedial work. It allows you to make an over the following operations:
- Knead;
- Draw the patterns on the fingers of its surface;
- To work with the texture of the surface;
- Roll it into thin sheets with a rolling pin or your hands, then cut out any of these pages, give them a definite shape;
- To change its texture;
- Work with very large, and with very small amounts of material.
In addition, the clay is very pliable and reacts to such effects, which do not react other materials such as clay. To work with clay you can use a variety of tools: to rub it on a grater, squeeze through chesnokodavilku, strainer, pastry syringe. When working with the surface used stamps, shells, stones, fabrics, plants - that is all that can leave a trail. The clay can be cut with an awl, needle, knife, string, from the rolled leaf stencils easy to cut different shapes. These features affect not only the process of modeling. There is still work on a pottery wheel and painting pottery.
Thus, the clay on a variety of opportunities surpasses many other materials (including clay, wax). In addition, the ability of clay to change its texture, make a sand and pebbles, it is easy to succumb to the temperature change makes it a convenient material for sensory stimulation: You can knead the clay (both hands, and feet), you can coat it with the child so that it then dried on the body, etc. It should be noted that faced with a very different, especially in the first stage, the ratio of children to the clay. Someone pushes it - and then have to get used to it (the problem of disgust). Another work with clay, on the contrary, it is nice. And almost all children attracted by the fact that at the end of occupation of the finished product - a result of their own labor.
The main attention is paid to the development of the motor sphere, spatial concepts, planning and control. Have to deal with on the one hand, children with very serious violations (for which, for example, formed the basic motor skills), and on the other hand, children who have impeded the further development and need to go back to solving problems on the basal level (eg, child has difficulty writing because of the increased tone of the right hand). Shows the typical cases of violations in the motor area (motor skills) and show how the correction of motility disorders in children.
Lack of effort
Consider the case is not just the weakness of the hands, and the lack of efforts by available for this motor abilities. Often, this problem is the cause of difficulties in the graphics business. Coming into the workshop, the child initially may not flatten out even a small piece of clay, not pushes her dimples, when rolls "sausage", it is little modified, etc. Need to find a job you love your child interested in it, will make its task to understand. Begin work in such cases is necessary with soft clay. Time after time the child gets used to invest effort in the work of his hands. After that he began to write and draw.
Difficulties in the calculation effort
To solve this problem using a tool that, depending on the force pressing gives different impressions and allows them to squeeze alternating pattern (it may even be a simple stick or pencil). When aligning the surface of clay (smoothing irregularities) can just comment on the actions of the child: "Why are you so you push on the horse? It hurts. You gently stroked it. "
Lack of smooth movements
Helps to solve this problem "primazyvanie" details the long flowing movements, "pulling" parts of a whole, creating smooth transitions between parts (movements repeated line), zaravnivanie surface. Can give an example of how the development of smooth traffic impact on the development of speech. The girl moved abruptly jerks. And the speech she was jerky, with halting. When in the process of modeling has been achieved smooth hand movements, then it has become more smooth, without hesitation.
Difficulties of working across brush
When this violation should start modeling with semi-or very soft clay to work with large pieces, sculpt simple form (vegetables, fruits).
Difficulties in fine motor skills
In this case, mold products with lots of small details, or opt for molding such items that require a large amount of "fine" movements: "pinching", "primazyvaniya" parts and zaravnivaniya. Sometimes we are faced with a situation where a child is difficult to perform repetitive movements (kata "sausages", roll a rolling pin, evenly squeeze the shingles). Then can help rhythmic "prigovarivanie" by the beat movement - you only need to choose the right frequency for a particular child.
Lack of weight transfer to the hands
(Eg, rolling a rolling pin)
To correct this violation can try to roll the clay on the floor on her knees. It happens that when a child rolling a rolling pin is difficult to combine the rhythmic movements with the application effort. It helps "prigovarivanie" and a reminder to press harder on the plunger. Now we mention the typical cases of violations of coordination and show how to work with clay can help overcome them.
Violation of the interaction of hand
If such violation is important molding simultaneously with both hands. The most simple - roll out the clay between your hands (to make a ball or "sausage"). More difficult with one hand to keep the product and the other something to do with it. Even harder when your hands while in concert, performing unequal motion. In the classroom we are gradually moving from the simplest to more and more complicated exercises.
Violation of visual-motor coordination
In the classroom, and in this case, the transition from the simple (to fix the item to the right place) to the more complicated (to cut the shape from a sheet of clay deposited on its path, lay out drawing thin "sausage" on the lines already drawn, etc.).
Violation of the interaction of fingers
Gradual transition "is simple - complex" is still here: "pinching" and then riding small "sausage" and the ball finger and thumb, and finally, making the vessel from the rings and veiled them in a flat surface. Note that some children simply show the movement - and they repeat it. However, often have to help the other methods, such as to perform the hand movements of the Child, gradually weakening the support until the child is not able to reproduce the movement itself. In such cases it is useful to back the motion appropriate word or interjection, uttered with the proper intonation.
The development of a child shape, size, proportions can be implemented in a variety of molding products. Work on giving the desired product form closely associated with motor development as well as to the success of this work is necessary to understand and feel what better use of the motion. Of course, all classes are built on the child's interest in modeling, and corrective solution of problems should not destroy this interest. In addition, it is very important to make sure that interference with the process modeling with any of the purposes does not prevent the development of the creative potential of the child. It should be noted that some children are so intimate, personal relationship to the process of modeling, that the use of this process with correctional goals may simply be harmful. In these cases, you should choose other methods.