Correction of spatial concepts in children
Before talking about the correction of spatial representations, we would like to say a few words about the general principles on which to build correctional, developing, working with children. First, the correction of spatial concepts in children - is not learning. In working with a child must be taken into account the differences between them. Education - this is what is the ultimate goal of knowledge acquisition, while the ultimate goal of correction - the formation of a functional organ or an entire functional system to allow properly implement this or that mental process. Unfortunately, often faced with the interpretation of the correction as additional training that is completely wrong.
In fact, the correction of spatial representations in children should be preceded by training of the "special" child and to create those basic system, those mental structures, which subsequently will be based learning. If some of these basic systems are not formed completely and adequately, then at some point in the learning happen "failure." And so we understand the preparation for school, not as a process of learning a child writing, reading, counting, etc., and how to process the final formation and consolidation of the basic systems - systems of spatial representations, fidelity, zvukovospriyatiya, visual perception, programming and control, management kinetic and kinesthetic processes, etc. If a child with these basic processes, all right then, and in school to learn he would not be difficult.
Personal space
Individual personal space plays in human life an important role. Sometimes it is very small - less than the actual human body. In other cases, the boundaries coincide with the surface of the body - then the person must constantly feel the next someone else, so that you lean on him and pour out his feelings (as it usually happens in hysterics). And there are people who feel uncomfortable, even if someone is on conventional ideas far enough. After this brief introduction, go to the main topic - the exposition we have developed a system development and correction of spatial concepts in children.

The first stage of the formation of spatial representations, we must give the child a sense that the world around it exists objectively, and that he himself (his body in particular) is in this world, in this space a certain place. To do this, create a child's ability to confidently, without fear of moving in space, rooms, apartments, courtyard. Often the fear of displacement due to the lack of a child's views about what is outside his field of vision. It seems that in those places the premises, which he currently does not see, there are various obstacles, there awaits him a danger.
Our task - to give the child a knowledge of the almost always permanent and may not depend on what you play the situation in a given location. So at the beginning of work to help your child learn a little room with a minimum number of subjects. It is important that it was not unfamiliar baby things, because an unknown thing, too often it seems dangerous and usually causes him some fear. Therefore, we suggest simply enter the child in the room, moving along with it, turning in different directions, ask him to tell him what he sees in front, rear, side, top and bottom. For example, if he would raise his eyes or his head up, you will see the ceiling. Then the teacher can explain that the ceiling is high, is at the top that is designed to so-and-order that it can not get it, etc.
Next word describes all that the child sees around him. It is not recommended to hasten the introduction of spatial designations "left" and "right", "over", "under". You can play with your child in simple games, such as divide the room into several squares and ask your child to tell you that in a box is located. Thus, we introduce the notion that all space is made up of fragments of elements that are located in a certain way. And if for him to move, then we can use all the space of the room.
In principle, playing hide and seek, the child and decides this kind of problem. He has to mentally imagine the structured space in which to hide, and try to find shelter in him. If you watch the game of hide small children, whose spatial representation is also not have been formed, then it is clear that when searching for hidden children do not stand still and go and look, look in every nook, every corner, for every column, for each tree. The older the children are trying primarily to calculate, submit, where they could hide their comrades.
In all situations, useful ball game. His dostavanie and searches - also the development of space. In the game you can catch the team, beat it with both hands, then alternately with each hand - thus developing visual-motor coordination. The first stages of the ball can be replaced by an air ball: he is a child physical danger, lightweight, comfortable to hold. And another important property of the ball: it flies slowly and gives time to think the job (a hand where and to whom he beat off).
Motor dictation
A special place is occupied by motor dictations. They are as follows: the child (based on the labeled arm) performs in a row the team offered him, and at the same rate of job increases gradually. Dictation can describe a rather complicated route in the room or area for a particular purpose. Movement in the opposite direction of the child carries the memory, commenting on the motion by voice constructions that reflect the spatial relationships.
Gradually, based on the obtained experience of space, we introduce the verbal designation of spatial realities, and action has been submitted earlier to the real objects are transferred to the imaginary. So, draw various plans and schemes (eg, room layout in the school building or a room of his apartment). It is important to bear in mind that drawing, in general any graphic work must be carried out pre-school children initially in the vertical plane - it's more natural for a child's way of perceiving the surroundings. Writing, drawing on the plane of the table require additional space and the visual "transcode", devices pose to a certain age and cause additional problems.
A good way autokorrektsionnym are many traditional games, which, unfortunately, are gradually disappearing from the culture of childhood. For example, the game is "sea waves again" allows the child to feel your body, to establish a correspondence between the planned and illustrated poses. Good "classics" that develop precise movements, coordination, visual-motor correlation. Useful as dances, playing "rounders", "bouncers." At the time, was widely circulated in the game, "the city". In this game there is a remarkable moment when the leader has to visually determine the number of steps up to the player. Invaluable contribution to the development of the child large yard games, such as "Kazakirazboyniki. Another traditional game of Battleship, "teaches us to feel the field, crawl space.