Cosmic beginning of love
The sexual energy of love is the beginning of space. As proof, I offer readers a historical tour of the religions of ancient peoples, excursion into the past - the pagan roots of our Earth.
Culture of Egypt
The initial chaos, called Nun, was boundless water surface, surrounded by darkness. From this initial milk ocean came first God - Atum, who created the first thing in the original hill. After much thought Atum began creation of the world: "Izrygnuv seed in your own mouth, he made the act of fertilization, and then spit out the binary-to - the God of wind and air Shu and Tefnut Goddess of the world order. From the marriage of Shu and Tefnut was born the second pair of the Gods - Geb God of the earth, and his wife - goddess of the sky Nut. Chickpea bore Osiris, Horus, Seth, Isis and Niftitsu. These gods are the nine great gods of Egypt. As you can see, the act of love, though somewhat strange, preceded the emergence of the World Ancient Egyptians.
Sumerian creation of the world and the Gods
For many centuries, the area between the Tigris and Euphrates alternated various state education Schumer, Okkat, Ossiriya, Babylonia, and their primary myths continued to each other. What is the religion of these people we're interested in? First, there was no separate heaven and earth, but only a great mountain in the space of the primary ocean waters foremothers Nammo. She produced a son and daughter - An (heaven) and Ki (earth), placing it on top of the mountain, and it - to the foot. Children grew up and came together, and their marriage was born the mighty Enlil. Then they gave birth to seven Gods of the elements, then the gods of lower rank, from whom the next generation of the Gods. With time on the mountain was crowded, and then he lifted the top of Am, and the foot down Enlil - so having a set of heaven and earth drive to the mountains and canyons. Am was to manage the heavens, to give land to Enlil. Enlil from "violent" love and union with goddesses made in the light of all the meaningful and useful. In Sumerian mythology in loving ecstasy merge brother and sister, which was considered a divine sign. But maybe that's just the answer to the riddle of the disappearance of the Sumerian civilization.

In the early days when the sky was not named at the top and bottom which did not have land titles, there were only primary Oceans - Tiamat and Absu. It is up to them and there were gods. And were the first Lahmu and Lahamu, which was born from God and the Goddess Anshar Tishar. Anshar created in his likeness firstborn of Anu, Anu was born on Eyya (Ea), corresponding to the creators of mankind. These gods were young, fidgety and noisy, just as we humans are taken over from them, the data character traits. In the Babylonian myth was first told about the confrontation of man and Gods. People my fussy and noisy behavior irritated Absu and Tiamat, Absu, and decided to do away with them, although his wife, Tiamat, persuaded him to have mercy. With the help of magic spells she had prepared some mysterious drink, to lull Absu, and destroying it, took people away from his eye. Maybe this is a reminder that when we are too noisy, fidgety and start to confront the Gods, we are receding from them. And note, the gods of Babylon using magic, so he who the gods, must know magic.
Greek tradition
In the beginning was Chaos, from which there was the Earth Goddess Gaia, but in its immense depths of Tartarus emerged - a dark abyss. From Chaos emerged Eros - love, Eret - darkness Nyukta - night, later appeared Ether - light and Himera - day. Earth gave birth to Heaven - Uranus and became both his wife (ie his mother became the wife of her son). From this marriage there were six of the Titans, gave rise to water the earth, the sun - Helios dawn - Eos, the moon, - selenium, as well as winds. Earth is from Uranus were generated by a giant Cyclops-metal and mnogoslavnye storukie giants. Uranus entered their children giants in the Earth's interior, which weighed a burden. As you can see, custom love of the myths of Ancient Greece generates cyclopean monsters. This is a reminder of an ancient people that, despite the cosmogonic act of creation of the earth, that love should be wary of. Extant picture of the lives of Zeus and the Olympian Gods.
The first human couple, originated from seed Gaymarta, according to the Avesta, were Martov and Martyang. They have evolved into being an original way. When Gaymart died, his heart fell. Part of it swallowed up the land, and which remained for forty years. After this period, Martov Martyang rose from the earth in the form of rhubarb. When they took human shape, they were asked Ahura Mazda, saying that they are human beings, the father and mother of the world. Bless them, he commanded the first people to administer affairs according to the righteousness of the law, guided by reason, to be kind, but in deeds and thoughts, not to worship demons. People have broken these commandments, and behaved very badly, and the offspring produced only fifty years after rozhdeniya.V Zoroastrianism had a cult of purity - purity of body and spirit. This cult explains the unusual appearance of people. People-plant is probably a very peaceful and unpretentious. But children born in such an advanced age - the way to degeneration.
Indian culture
It is hard to imagine a country with a rich mythology than India. All Indian mythology imbued bogozarozhdeniem, rivalries of the gods, mythological and philosophical abstractions, as well as practical applications of myths, such as yoga, asceticism, mentoring in love and life. "Kama Sutra" - a treatise on love - and still excites the minds of our contemporaries. It is regrettable that of all the esoteric science of love, our contemporaries are only interested in its practical application, without giving details of the spiritual, the heart of love, energy, fusion, psychological rules and customs. The perfect manifestation of divine energy of creation is a phallic pillar - the lingam of Shiva. In the sacred text "Linga Purana states that Ling - Principal object of knowledge and is himself" a wonderful expression of majesty "of a deity. Shiva Loving, and excessive, because of what his having a quarrel with his wife - Parvati (Goddess, this is both a part of the Shiva - the clarity of his mind). Note that the woman is pure consciousness of life, from which there is Shakti - the spiritual energy that of Shiva and Parvati at the time of merger, you called Kama (God of love). Repeatedly reinforced, Shakti is the goddess of fertility, creating wealth and worlds.
What is said about the original creation of the world from our ancestors? The main deity of the ancient Slavs, Rod, main demiurge creation. Rod - the most ancient deity of fertility and Rodya forces, its main function - the birth of new life. According to popular belief, the dew falling from heaven, sent by the Creator for the blessings of life vsepodderzhaniya it - divine fertilizing sila.Rod constantly mentioned together with two Rozhanitsami, female deities of fertility, mother of life. Rod and Rozhanitsy once considered the heavenly hosts of the World. Rozhanits cult goes back to the era of matriarchy, to a time when female deities of fertility in the leading position. In the transition to patriarchy, they replaced the male deities of fertility, one of whom was Rod. There are also male divinity impregnates properties - Yarylo and bathe. It is because of Russian opposition to the ancient cults and Rhoda Rozhanits with Christianity flashed fire, destroyed the sacred temples of the gods of love and fertility, destroyed the Vedic rites of love, and with them the real people - Sage and the Magi. Medieval Europe and Russia fires blaze, which burned the old native religion.
All of these models the creation of the world - the pagan cults. In all early cultures of the manifestation of the world around us has contributed only love, the beginning of cosmic love , intercourse is not only spiritual but also corporal. Thus, sex - Paganism, worship of Gods love, different in each of the cultures only by name, but not in essence. So everyone who is looking for lust in the body of love - secret or open the Gentiles.