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Cosmic mirror of the soul

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Cosmic mirror of the soul

Have you ever, as can tell around your eyes? It is believed that the eyes are the most informative source of information about any person. Eye color can tell a lot about your character, for your internal energy and even about what should be your second half. Astrology can add to this the fact that in our view reflected the entire color palette of the planets horoscope birth.

Let's dig into history to find out why nature has awarded us a different color eyes. It turns out that as a result of archaeological research found that indigenous peoples of the Earth was brown-eyed . Everything changed after the day the earth ran into a comet and changed its orbit, and with it, and climate. With the onset of the glacial period there was a question about the survival of the human population as a whole - natural energy brown-eyed people are now not enough to ensure the life and growth of mankind. In extreme conditions to the aid of living organisms comes mutation. As a result of mutation, a new breed of energetic people. They easily become the initiators of new cases, taking responsibility for the lives of others. They had a fantastic eye cool colors : gray, blue, dark blue . Excess energy is trimmed gray-eyed people lack the energy of people with brown eyes and ensure that people not only survive in the new climatic conditions, but numerical growth. The past millennium. The joint marriages between people with gray and brown eyes there are people whose eyes were the other colors: green, gray-brown, gray-green, green-brown and even gray-green-brown ...
Gradually people have forgotten about the ice age - mankind has adapted to new conditions of existence. But, nevertheless, if you look closely at the modern owners as gray and brown eyes, it's easy to notice a difference in the behavior of these two types of people: first try to act, the second - to receive. Ie, the first try get rid of excess energy, the latter, by contrast, seek to repay the lack of proper due to the forces of other people. The first we call "potential donors", the second - "the potential vampires." People who have the eyes of mixed type (green, gray-brown etc.) have a complicated energy orientation: they can not be attributed either to the donor or the vampires. They show quality, then one, then the other, depending on whether, "with a foot stand."

Blue eyes (blue, gray) color. So, if your eyes are cold colors, remember: the nature requires you to permanent release of energy. So you do not win the lottery, will not help you move through life influential people. Fate does not make you a gift. For each of your smile, it will require you to maximum effort. This is your share. And this percentage is beautiful, because your energy - the energy of a breakthrough to the target, the energy conversion of the world. You - the person-creator. And the whole world around - just stuff for your fantastic ideas. You are allowed to all that sincerely wants. Do not be afraid to drag around. People with a warm color of your eyes perceive as the truth of any of your project. They will be happy that you exist, the support of an absolute truth, which will relieve them of painful searching their own path.

Now imagine that waking up in the morning, you have created a plan for the day, which looks like this: pierce his brow four brick walls. Labor Day is completed, and you struck only three walls, the fourth did not have time. So this unspent energy would deprive you of peace of mind, demanding release. It can be released, after talking a few minutes to brown-eyed man - and your dissatisfaction with both hands lift. Most quickly and painlessly excess energy will leave you in the process of communicating with the partner of the opposite sex, having a warm color eyes.

Compatibility: winner brown eyes would be the best companion for your successful march through life. With him your energy exchange is ideal: you willingly discard the excess energy, he gratefully accepted it.

According to astrology, your eyes - a mixture of energy from the Sun and Venus with an admixture of Saturn. Therefore, you are endowed with attractive, sharp wit, sensuality, wit and temperament. You are sociable and can easily come together with people. You are very susceptible, but how fast you light up just as quickly and cool down. About you can say that you are extremely hot-tempered, but easily forget the insults. Your disadvantage is frequent whims.

Hazel eyes (black) colors . If you - the owner of brown eyes, then put a goal, do not prepare themselves to hard labor, but most of all bet on the ability to like people. Do not worry, you are also active transducer of the world, with the only difference is that to implement their projects by proxy. You should have enough wisdom not to rush into battle with an open visor. Remember: you will always disturb the lack of their own forces. Consequently, the appeal have to be capricious and be able to wait - three of your trump card. Learn how to skillfully use them, and the surrounding quarrel for the right to teach you everything you want. Remember that blue-gray eyes and try to lose you in excess of its energy: you can either accept it, what will deliver them relief, or to refuse, thus forcing them or suffer, or look for another "receiver". To prevent a second version of events, take care of her own attractiveness. Do not allow the negligence of any clothes, no hair, if it's not a tactical ploy. Follow the speech: the slang words you do not have to face, only carefully selected, as part of the image.

Compatibility: mate in the crowd of worshipers, choose the principle: one more way for you to donate. Insist on at least the easiest victims permanently. This will prolong the life chosen by making it meaningful. The most reliable foundation for the creation of your family become the owners, of course, blue and gray eyes. While there, you will gather from them so much energy that any sea of life you will find no deeper than the knee.

Astrology add, that your eyes - a mixture of energy from the Sun and Mars, and so you can enjoy a very selfless, has a strong will and resolute character. You are often jealous, though it does not seek to flaunt their money. For you can always rely on - you will not fail. Feature of your character can be regarded as individualism, the desire to do everything yourself, you are able to achieve great success. But you absolutely can not stand the pressure from the outside.

Eyes green. Green - a uniform mixture of two colors: blue and yellow. You is inherent in the uniform mixing of the two power engineering - the donor and the vampire. The uniformity of the superposition of two polar colors guarantee that you, unlike people with gray-brown eyes, do not go to extremes, and are looking for in the life of the "golden mean". Therefore, if you - the owner of the emerald eye, your main goal in life - to reach an agreement with itself.

What you may think, whatever you do, you should be proud of their thoughts and actions. It's important that you were happy with the people whom you cherish. If you do not have to reproach ourselves - the world is bright and joyous. You firmly know what qualities you should possess themselves, however - your friends and the subject of cardiac affection. If a person meets your needs, you probably give a lift to the skin than hair falling on his head. But woe to him who does not meet your requirements! With it you let so many of negligence, that right there (sometimes for no reason) takes on the enemy.

Compatibility: to simplify your life in marriage, I recommend green-eyed people connect their lives with the same fans of the "golden mean", that is, with the holders of the same green eyes as well as those in whose eyes have a green tint.

Astrologically, you are the most gentle people in the world. The color of your eyes - a mixture of energy of Venus and Neptune. You always like to sincerely, fervently and is characterized by faithfulness to those whom have chosen. Friends appreciate you for dependability and kindness, hate the enemies of the principles and firmness. You are good listeners and interlocutors. You are stable, but not without imagination. Generally, you belong to the most successful category of people.

Eyes hazel-gray color. If you have gray eyes streaked with hazel-colored eyes or brown with gray patches, you will not be offended many people bow before you my knees. True, it may take a long time before someone with some of them you will develop relationships that can be characterized by a word - persistence. The reason your contradictory, incomprehensible as to others, and for you the very nature of which is formed of a mixed energy. In a person with gray-brown eyes simultaneously coexist and the donor and the vampire. And each of them clamoring for the right to life. That's why sometimes you feel like someone's unlimited power over them. This is you talking vampire. But this mood suddenly changed thirst for tyranny. This means that for no apparent reason the vampire in you was superseded by the donor. You are not easy to live in the world. But it is not easy to have and the people next to you!

Compatibility: Most strong family, you can create with the owner just like you, gray-brown eyes. Only with your energy exchange would be ideal.

Astrologically, the color of your eyes belong to two opposite luminaries - the Moon and Sun with an admixture of Mars. You possess great vitality, initiative and troubled character. The color of your eye shows a man and his passion Loving. No barriers to stop the adored object you can not. Although your obsession can take you not only the joy of victory, but the bitterness of hasty decisions.

Eyes gray-green color. You've probably already realized that the presence of green in the eyes - a signal of deterrence, which does not allow fully express themselves hidden in the depths of the soul elements. Thus, aggressiveness, assertiveness, despotism inherent in people with gray eyes, can not be realized in full, if this man's eyes are sometimes greenish. Your ideas are bold and daring. Your energy ten will be enough to embody them, but many of them did not come to implement. The reason? You can not interfere with expensive for you people, can not be cruel to those you love. And without it not make serious changes.

Compatibility: You can always choose a partner yourself, but not enough for you to feel incinerate only one heart. If «amante» not return fire is burning, your enthusiasm and quenched. And if the flames spread to a second heart, you are fanatically committed to their choice. Only one thing can make you change your selection: if you feel that someone is far more than the current choice, needs your love. And your love is always need people with green-brown eyes. These are what can make you real happiness in family life.

According to astrology, the color of your eyes belongs to mixing the energies of the Moon and Venus with a mixture of the energy of Mercury. Because you are very clever, impressionable, you can secretly very strongly feel hurt caused to you. You are shy, retiring, dreamily. You can take a pragmatic diligent, and at the same time, romantic man.

Eyes green-hazel color . Green in those eyes can not fully develop any donation or vampirism. You certainly will try to take everything that is possible from others, but not unconscionable, as do the brown-eyed. You will try to bring to the understanding of people that do what you require, above all, their own interests. So if you have a green-brown eyes, you inherent philosophical turn of mind and talent of a diplomat. You will not just turn our backs on someone who has ignored your request, you must make sure that he regretted his wrongdoing. To do this, you can put at stake their own well-being and life. Sometimes you vindictive and ruthless. In the balanced state you - a philosopher. First of all, you love when you feel you have calmly and cheerfully, and do not achieve without resorting to wisdom. And secondly, to explain to people exactly how you want to include and what you required of them, you have developed the ability to think logically, supported by compelling arguments.

Compatibility: An ideal base for your family - people with gray-green eyes.

Astrology believes that the color of your eyes - a mixture of the energy of Saturn, Mars and Venus. About you can say that you have a very strong will. You on the shoulder every vertex. Although you are considered intractable, but often that is what helps you achieve this goal. Sometimes you stubborn, and in exceptional cases - and brutal. Sometimes you are experiencing rage or causeless depression. But these mood swings are extremely rare. Most often, you have a peaceful harmonious mood.

Of course, I offer you some simplified schemes of the characters. Real people's characters are much more complicated and diverse. Nevertheless, I hope that these examples will help, first, learn a little more about yourself, your energy, strong and weak qualities. Second, understand the causes of problems in relationships with certain people - why we partner with some "hard", and with others - "easy". And, thirdly, you can learn something about how it will shape your life without complex astrological calculations. Because our eyes are not only a mirror of the soul, and cosmic mirror of fate.
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