Cosmic secrets of water
Going to the exam, you will surely take a bottle of water - in case thirst torment. And yet, in such an important matter as the education, water can be truly irreplaceable assistant.
DISTILLED (fully purified) water is correlated with the Moon, the ruler of Cancer and Uranus - the ruler of Aquarius. Aquarius is responsible for experiments and laboratory investigations. Becoming a silent witness to the scientific debate, distilled water, literally absorbs the bold ideas that scientists are discussing. And because the same discovery often has multiple authors. It is through distilled water originated catch phrase "The ideas floating about in the air." Because Aquarius - the sign of the element of Air.

MARINE water is managed by the Moon and Neptune - the ruler of Pisces. This zodiac sign is associated with religious movements, medicine and healing, so the salt water well, "remembers" the prayers, spells and charms. The second largest planet Venus is Pisces, which is associated with love, money and health. So that sea water - a universal carrier of information, solve the main problem of man. Just so at the seaside resort is fastened a lot of novels and there are cases of miraculous healings from ailments. A deep sea and the lure treasure hunters ...
Bottled water is correlated with the Moon and Mars - the ruler of Aries. It is a sign of hunters and sportsmen. and all who dream of victories and records. Therefore, the hot boiled water "remembers" the secrets of success and ambition, but also contributes to their implementation. The second planet of Aries - Sun. This is the basis of highly effective prescription "awakening" of the organism and its quick setup on the business beat: in the morning before the exam you need to drink on an empty stomach a glass of hot boiled water. Drink in small sips a must: a hastily swallowed the water may not have to share valuable energy.
There are contraindications. Consult with your doctor.
Carbonated water jointly managed by the Moon and Mercury - the planet-patron of Gemini. Astrologically, this sign of the zodiac is associated with adolescence, immaturity, thoughtlessness. It is for this reason that soda remembers a lot of frivolous, superficial information, and neighborhood gossip, and related disputes. Therefore, opening a bottle of carbonated water, it should drink immediately. "Opolovinennaya" and left the kitchen, where there are conflicts between the household, in the classroom or in the classroom, she contracted frivolity. aggressiveness, as well as "reward" the words-parasites.
MINERAL water is under the auspices of the Moon and Saturn - the manager of Capricorn. Since the axis of the zodiacal Cancer - Capricorn symbolizes a time, mineral water "remembers" the date and at the same time as it turns the clock back. And because its application rejuvenates and promotes the assimilation of historical and biographical information. There she and another valuable feature. Due to the strong Mars in Capricorn, mineral water enhances the magical properties of talismans made of natural stones, so from time to time for a few hours should be placed in a glass with the water.
Holy Water patronize the Moon and Jupiter - ruler of Sagittarius. It is a sign of travel, especially related to historical monuments, so the holy water accumulates the most valuable experience of mankind. stages of civilization. Important quality of Sagittarius - yearning for the comprehension of the unknown, interest in the details, snippets of information. who managed to get a result of searches. Therefore, the holy water is able to communicate among themselves diverse phenomena that so valeno in research and science, and harmonizes the atmosphere in the room where there is even the most intransigent power of influence.