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Creating interest

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Creating interest

In the beginning, I, my friends and girlfriend naparyvalis on the same rake. You get acquainted with the girl, get a phone number. And when you call, it responds to you is not so, as during dating. You vaguely remember the meeting and does not agree. Although the phone gave the desire to meet and wish you called her. A few days later, and you flew out of her head? What should I do? This question asked by many.

And another example: A guy meets a girl. It seems that dating is just 10 points. Everything's cool. And once young people meet on a date, they have complete strangers. It was a once in your life? You go on a date, come in and do not even know what to do, where to start? And since I myself have always trod on these rakes, I started working in this direction. And as soon as I realized that I needed to do, everything changed. Now, never have I do not have situations, which I told him.

Because I figured out how to do so until we see each other, an intriguing sense of interest in me is constantly growing. While I was busy, a technique that I ran into the consciousness of a man working with me, generates feelings. It's like a passive income. Created something, put the right money and time and now doing nothing, while the interest ops. How cool is that? And you do nothing. Now I am happy to tell you the essence of the method - and offering incentives .

While dating a person must be interested, obviously. Intrigue. Why? When a man intrigued him much more you want to meet you, learn you closer. But above all - and many do not know - you need this interest to maintain and develop. And attend to the girl next to you without necessarily. If you just know the person, a couple of days he forgets you and the interest dies. So when you come out on a date, do you feel - you are strangers to each other. When the increase of interest after they met, to support him, a date often ends with the following interview, on a much more intimate level. Maybe even the same day.

Answer to the problem too obvious - the need to create interest and sustain it. All this is understandable, right? And usually at this point a man asked: "And how exactly do it?" And now you know what you do to a person is constantly thinking about you, dream and his feelings grew stronger, more and more until you're not around! And on a date poured out into a passion!

So what is the creation of interest? " How does it work? How to generate interest? Different ways. You can restore the state that people have already experienced, you can remember the signs of interest and to restore them artificially. But it is too difficult and ineffective in the regular practice of communication. And others say: "If you want to interest people - just be extraordinary!" Brilliant! "How?" - You ask .- "Be yourself and do what people expect from you is not!"

You this much help? Hardly! Because all this - bullshit! You can be the usual, normal, doing nothing out of the way and cause so much interest that, no matter how fool it either met, it will still be thinking of you. I will offer another option, in my opinion, it is more elegant and practical. And also, when tested, thousands of people working just fine. Once you learn this theory, you begin to continually find evidence that it works perfectly.

The technique is based on a very interesting and simple explanation of the mechanism of "interest", which I introduced and are now pleased to tell you about it. What is interest? Look at the kitten, who saw the mouse. His interest is manifested by an instinctive level. Instinct, kitty ears pricked up and his eyes lit up. That is a sign of interest kitten. Yes, but what is happening in his conscious and unconscious parts of the brain? What? His head started questions. They breed. "What is it? That this can be done? How does it taste like? Where does it going to go? "Thus, the mechanism of interest is very simple:

MATTERS OF INTEREST = + DESIRE get answers to them.

Interest - a lot of questions in your head buddy, for which he wants to get answers. And the more interesting to him, the more and more questions, assumptions, images of swarming in his brain. Here's how easy. The most curious thing that this simple definition, which I thought turned out to be very effective in practice. It has already explained that you need to do to motivate people. Need to create in his mind a lot of questions with the hope to get answers to them. And leave it in this state that questions began to be fruitful and has already lined up in castles in the air that you could not build for a few days to communicate with him.

Here's how brilliant. How do I love when it is possible to come up with such simple and seemingly obvious explanation of this seemingly complex phenomena. This is the definition of interest inherent in the basis for further practice to create interest. Let us dwell on a desire to get answers. What are some questions a person (girl or guy - works the same way) wants to get answers to most of all, most of all? Answer - about yourself? Look, men are by nature more interested in processes that occur in the environment. Think of yourself as a young man! Little boys blew up ammunition, always somewhere climbed, fought, made water bombs and dumped on the heads of passers-by were making a slingshot.

And what do little girls? Played with dolls, daughters and mothers. It is now clear that women are more interested in the nature of the relationship, and men - the processes occurring in the outside world. But the question is: what for them is even more interesting? And for women, and men more interesting than just one. This is what is called the "I". You have the most interesting thing you are. Any question which arises about yourself, about your perception of others and about the uncommon unexplored and unknown quality of your personality, takes precedence over the others. You love yourself more than anything else. And as soon as the interviewee raises the question, which is associated with you, your personality, your participation, your character, with your privacy and the like, you immediately there is a strong desire to get an answer.

Thus, the formula of interest is as follows:

Interest in companion = set of issues (which are associated with the personality of the interlocutor) + hope to receive replies.

For example:

"I know something about you and maybe then I'll tell you!"

In companion questions arise:

"What? Where? Why? Maybe he was just intrigued? Or is it true that knows something? "

 This is a simple example, but how much work a look. Even when a person knows that theory, it acts on it yet twice as strong, because he starts to think: "Maybe he was practicing on me? Why? Why? What does he want? "And each additional item in the head creates an additional sense of ownership. If the questions in my head a lot, then the person is fully involved in the process. He thinks only of you, that it is very important, then you'll understand why.

And accordingly, when you're not around, it is an occasion to dream and poterzat itself imaginary answers to a host of issues. But this man's head is occupied with thoughts of you, anyway. The guy told the girl this way: "Listen, I want you to invite one cool place, but what I say not, then you know all about." She replies that she is not interesting. What a nice example. The fact that she was really interested and can not be interesting, because where's the connection with her personality, her? Therefore simply does not. Together we have improved the intrigue of this poor fellow party, after which she began to fire him.

When you communicate with someone and you want to interest him, keep in mind my explanation of interest. Say to yourself: "My goal: raise issues that relate to the + Hope to receive replies." The most important thing - to put a realistic, simple and achievable goal. Since the goal of "raise questions + Hope" - it is easier and more realistic than "revert or be unusual, I think such a mechanism of interest is much more beautiful and elegant. It is easier to apply in practice than the one proposed by psychologists, NLPistami and marginal pick up artist.
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