Creativity in curative education
When I first saw Artem, he was 4 years old. He could not speak and did not pay attention to other people, so that his parents have long thought that he was blind (he actually heard is normal). Almost his only occupation was such a game: he put cubes on the floor in a row, leaving gaps between them of 2-3 centimeters. Then he lay on the floor and looked into the cracks between the bricks. This he could do for hours. I was wondering what it in it so much, and I also tried to lie on the floor and look at the gap between the cubes. It turned out that this is very interesting - you see only part of the room, but if slightly change the angle of view, the picture changes at once. Actually, I think I managed to achieve something with Artem only because of its strange world, all of which seemed pointless for me to become interesting and attractive.
At this time, Artem still not able to draw on their own - he could just copy someone else's picture, and very quickly and accurately. After some time he suddenly began to draw pictures, consisting of broken lines that connect to each other. Artem was important not to leave loose ends, and it connects the ends of lines and angles of the top new lines. The resulting list is divided into polygons. I have these pictures are praised. Usually Artem sitting on the floor and painted in gouache on a large sheet of Whatman, and I sat beside him and admired especially beautiful lines. Artem I have not banished and apparently was even glad that someone shares his interests. After a few lessons he gave me permission to paint with him. If he does not like what I do, he cleaned my arm, but when I managed to get in tune, we have got very beautiful pictures. I hang them on walls, and Tom came and looked at them. Mom did not like Artem abstract painting, and she did not like our pictures, but all teachers so admired that gradually and she relate to them better.
Gradually, I noticed that the lines in the paintings become Artem not angular, but smoother. Appeared wavy and circular shapes. It seemed a good sign. Then he began to paint Artem leaf plots between the lines. Drawing from a graphics into a picturesque and has come to resemble patchwork rug. During this period, Artyom became apparent preference for particular colors: he did not like the yellow color (if I drew something yellow paint over it), but preferred to red, dark blue, brown and black. Usually, he began to paint in different colors, but when he came across a black or brown paint, he paint it all the rest. Then he usually let me paint over the black space with white paint. Creativity in curative education is gradually beginning to bear fruit.
Gradually from a "patchwork rugs with contrasting colors Artem went to the pictures, written in soft and bright colors with smoother transitions between colors. I must say that with the release of its closed inner world of our ordinary world Artem ceased to draw his abstract paintings. It is no longer interested in extracting itself from the inside of various color compositions. He became interested in doing what others are doing, to draw what he sees. He began painting houses, trees and animals. Our last joint picture depicts how Artem goes hiking with a backpack. In this case, Artem went through a period of total loss of their own imagination and at one time painted only what was already able to draw, and could not represent himself is nothing new.

At this time we had already largely drew, and sculpted out of clay. Each session began with what I asked Artem, that he would sculpt, and he replied: "sculpt out of clay." He could not think of himself that mold. Then we took a picture book, Artem chose what he liked, and we sculptured it. But once again the question "What are you going to sculpt?" Artem suddenly said "Gate" and concocted a small curved sausage. When, after the lessons we asked this, he again said that this gate. After that, Artyom became easy to think that he will sculpt. He concocted a case, his dog, badger and so much more.
Our drawing sessions lasted more than two years. During this time, Artem gradually became interested in the outside world and its people. After discovering that there are people with whom he can share his interests, Artyom, in turn, agree to become involved in activities that he was offered teachers. He appeared a huge desire to learn. He learned to read, write, count and then talk. Mom learned to understand him, see his "strange" some sense and to treat them with respect. As a result, his life changed completely at home - they have their mom got a lot of common activities and interests. Artem now almost 8 years. He knows and is able to not less than other children of this age. He, of course, preserved individual characteristics emotionally-volitional, speech and cognitive, and these have yet to do. Artem was a cheerful child who smiles in response to a good attitude towards it and enjoy answering questions which he asked.