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Crisis of identity

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Crisis of identity

The main reason for any crisis lies in the fact that the old forms, old methods, old tactics, the former way of life does not meet the requirements of modern times. And the longer resist the old, trying to hold their positions, so in a more rigid form is identity crisis . Extreme forms of social crisis - revolution and war. We begin to consider the manifestations of the crisis in the life of a crisis of personality. The person as an individual crisis manifests itself in divers: from lung ailments, mental depression to severe illness and, eventually, death.

Typically, financial, social and political crises are dealt with separately from the crisis of personality. At first glance, these phenomena are not connected with each other. In fact, all come from the man from his inner state. Therefore, the roots of all, even global, disasters must be sought in man, especially when he was in a crisis situation. What are the chief values of human society? Money, oil, gold, diamonds and many other resources, but not people. While the society does not understand what the basic value of life is the man, and not put in the first place the question of his harmonious inner state, it will be regularly faced with large and small crises. But society is made up of individuals. Understand its value and put into first place in their lives themselves, take full responsibility for their lives must, above all, the man himself.

The man himself has to understand its value and put into first place in their lives themselves, take full responsibility for their lives. In the natural system of values is a guarantee out of any crisis, whether it's illness or the global economic cataclysm.

It is very important to apply to the natural system of values, when the first place is a man, and put it into practice his life. No children, no job, no parents, no cat and dog, and man himself is the greatest value of his life. Positioning itself in this way, he becomes the master of life and determines how to live - with or without a crisis. In the natural system of values is a guarantee out of any crisis, whether it's illness or the global economic cataclysm. Many do not even think about the value system in which they live. And do not know her. I remind you that for an adult first value is himself. If a person wants to start a family, then half of it. Here they are together and will be the most important values of life.
The second value - the living space, which is necessary for couples: the house and all that is required for a happy life.

It was only in third place in the natural system of values are created by children as a consequence of the happy couple and the presence of favorable conditions.

In fourth place - the parents, relatives, the genus as a whole. They are energy-fueled development of the family.

In fifth place is work activity, job, satisfying and brings the most revenue only in cases when a person understands its place in the system of values.

And then everything else - friends, hobbies and other activities.

Living in such a system, values, people are guaranteed to protect themselves from any disasters and crises. If you're around to see a truly happy man, ask him about the value system. And you hear that it adheres to the natural system.
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