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Curious kid

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Curious kid

Child in early childhood is motivated by something to see and know the surroundings, get to "own hands" as much as possible attractive for him toys and objects. To do this he must be ready to take her first trip - first to reach on their own beds before the cabinet, then on the threshold of his home before walking to the sandbox area, away from the mother's hands and embark on a "self-navigation." Knowable space keeps expanding, and the traveler gets a little more for new experiences and knowledge, and motives for action, that is successfully developed.

What happens when a curious toddler gets to the contents of a kitchen cabinet or drawer in the bathroom, they know most parents. But what this actually happened? Child himself get to another room, he opened the closet, he pulled out cans of cereals, he opened the lid. All by myself! You taught him to such actions on the pyramids and jars, and so he applied the skills learned in practical situations. From the standpoint of logic, all life is simple and correct.
What if "a motor" works too active? If life and health of the child at this time there is no threat, wait exactly a minute, gently smile at the child and, if you want it, shook his head - it is important that he was not scared of your reaction, but at the same time saw that you are not very satisfied. Try to use these silent moments in order to understand what makes a curious toddler, and assess the "damage to economy."

Start a "constructive" dialogue with the child: "Kolya decided to see what is interesting here is?", "Kolya has found a spoon?", Etc. Pay attention to the responses of the child, is the most important and most valuable to you in this situation - even non-verbal child in response to your questions can demonstrate an understanding of speech addressed to him. In this case, it will show the eyes, gestures, actions, then, as he opened the bank, where sugar, spoons, etc. With the child (and indeed, for him) start to gather the scattered, saying: "Here we gather, we put in place first, mud, and then remove" him to understand the causes and consequences of action.

Take care of the child, even if you do not need: "You gave me a spoon, so well done, give me the cover, put the box on the shelf ... So we have gathered all. First scattered and then gathered. Close to the child locks on cabinets and gum properly. It would be better if you remove away the fact that it is dangerous for a child or cherished dearly for vas.Pomnite that such trips (actions) of the child - a sign of cognitive activity, an excellent basis for the development of fine motor skills (small movements of hands) for the development of active speech ( movement of fingers and it linked to the psychophysiological level) and just to get the ineffable pleasure.

Tadpole in my pocket

Almost all children before or after the period of living an active interest in the world of living creatures, eager to "make sure the best way" of cats, mice, newts, and others. They do this, of course, with true understanding of children's animal comfort - the cat appears fluffy feather bed with duvet and pillows, Newt settles in chlorinated tap water, decorated with a dandelion buds and mouse feed sweetly sweets, forget the taste of a dry crust. Radical parents require "immediately throw this stuff, more liberal - give advice and periodically save the beasts from" asphyxiation love. "

How best to use the desire to take care of? Of course, first and foremost that the trouble to understand the motives of the child: adult care for the child and he wants to just take care of someone. This "someone" should be the object of serious family council. It is important to clearly explain the reasons for refusing the child if the failure to have in the house rat "is not appealable," and at the same time try not to be selfish because the child may be a different idea of the extent of its opposite. By choosing (or having de facto) a pet, you need to firmly explain to the child that taking care of it - is responsible.

That the mistakes of the child were not tragic for animal health, always together find in books or online information about it, discuss what and how he would do. Do not leave your child alone with the care of a pet, and help him cope with the tasks of feeding and care, support his right of action, explains the possible consequences of mistakes, correct mistakes, and do not blame them for it. Rejoice together animal antics, discuss with your child his habits, and proud of it ... my child.
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