Online dating provides a way to meet new people and see if there is some compatibility prior to meeting them in person. Just like real world online dating also has certain guidelines that should be followed.
Do: Chat on a reputable site and check on people’s comment to see what others have experienced.
Don’t: List your home phone while signing up and be very careful about whom to give your mobile number or not.
Do: Be honest in your personal advent and include a photo.
Don’t: Disclose any personal information that could lead to your address, phone number, or last name. Guard your details fiercely.
Do: Research a different service to choose the best and feels right for you. Be comfortable with the choices you make.
Don’t: Post suggestive pictures or usernames. Just present the look and image of yourself that you really want to portray.
Do: It’s a good idea to plan a phone date before dating deciding to meet in person, then you can feel more comfortable about face to face date the better.
Don’t: Rushed into meeting someone until you are comfortable and ready, take your time and if someone pressuring you to move faster than you’d like than should back away.
Do: Tell a friend or family who, where and when you will be meeting, being smart.
Don’t: Ask the person to pick you up. Its good to be independent and make your own way to a meeting place, be in control of yourself.
Do: Refrain from drinking, it could impair your ability to make good decisions. If you want to have then don’t cross your border line.
Don’t: Lead the person on if you don’t feel a connection on dating. Don’t being nasty about it, be compassionate and diplomatic.
Do: Trust your instincts, follow your intuition at all times, it won’t let you down.
Don’t: leave your cell phone behind. Always keep it with you and never unattended.
Do: Try to relax, be yourself and have a good time and enjoy the experience.