Dangers of the World Wide Web
It is difficult to imagine modern life without the Internet. Today for us it is something so familiar and commonplace, that we completely forget about the fact that the network is a zone of high risk. Yes, yes, and it is not only about the risk of catching any virus or bury his head in a pile of spam. In the network there is a risk, and more serious. Thus, the danger of the World Wide Web:
1. Shopping on the Internet. Of course, this pig in a poke. Well, if it comes to buying a book or CD. It's even convenient. Because the network is always possible to meet not only the detailed review of this or that product, but reviewers and readers. But if it comes to buying clothes, bags, shoes or expensive equipment - it is better not to risk it. Firstly, it is difficult to find the right thing without trying. Secondly, what beautiful looks in the photos may look quite different in real life. "Photoshop" work wonders. And then what is there in photo looks like a bag made of genuine leather rare species of albino python, life might be curious oilskin string bag. The more risky to buy over the Internet possible "miracle drugs" for immediate weight loss (rejuvenating, healing). Do not get fooled by loud slogans like: "Lose 10 kg per week" or "completely removes all the wrinkles of the month!" Think for yourself, if such a miraculous effect did give some miracle cream or trainer, who would become a throw away money on expensive and dangerous plastic surgery?
2. Superperspektivy. I'm not saying that the network can not find a job. Why not? You can! Moreover, I found myself all of their most promising jobs in the sites. Watch out for is just unrealistic, "too tasty" proposals. Like "Start your own business from scratch" or "How to get rich for free," etc. Unfortunately, the Internet very much speculators. So you can shut down without reading the ad, where a condition of admission to superdolzhnost is a material fee: for entry into the database (portfolio, possible costs, etc.).

3. And the most risky, that may be in the network - is the prospect of depending on the network. Unfortunately, an increasing number of Internet-dependent. People who are gradually leaving real life to a head dive into the virtual one. Of course, you can use any number of your computer for business purposes or have fun, looking at her friend and sending nude pictures of Brad Pitt. But if all your free time you scribble your blog, chats and forums you replace real communication, and cyber sex seems to you more attractive than the actual sex, then you are truly transformed into a "girl, living in a network, and it's time to take action.