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Death penalty

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Death penalty

The Bible prescribes the death penalty for more than thirty different crimes - from murder and ending with adultery. Draconian laws in ancient Greece suggested the death penalty in general for everything. In the 11 century, the death penalty has not been used in England, but the results of interrogation and torture frequently resulted in death. In the U.S., public executions were stopped only in 1936. Capital punishment is terrible, not only in itself, but scary and the way it is executed. Were extremely cruel her views, stretching the agony of the victims for weeks - simple upomnanie about them makes the blood freeze, so do not specify - with respect to them dying on the cross is simply a picnic on the lawn. Fortunately, they required special training and costly, especially well-trained people, and therefore were not used in a wide masshabah.

Crucifixion is a form of punishment was common in his time: the slave, that does not work, hands nailed - it was understood that from such hands is not good. Exists in the country the death penalty or not, it does not affect the homicide rate. This is known exactly: it is canceled, re-injected, injected into one location and terminated in another - and so many times in many countries. The murder rate has not changed. Ie, capital punishment is useless or nearly useless. The death penalty can be interpreted as a homicide. As well as the individual may kill in defense of their lives, can also do it and society (but an individual can do it only when he had no other choices, but society may apply, for example, life imprisonment). In the death penalty has a pseudo-justice: the equal reward for their deeds - has killed must be killed.

One of the capital deficiencies of the death penalty is a risk of executing an innocent person - that is, absolute irreparable consequences. Another of its lack - the injustice of judicial decisions. The verdict affect sex, race and property aspects, as well as various ideological circumstances. But death for death is always unjust retribution, because the definition of a subjective value of life, and the objective value of any life is infinite, and therefore in some sense, only in some, the value of life are the same. But the subjective value of life per person varies from negative values up to infinity. The more finely organized inner world of man, the more he loves life, but a man can not kill - kills a simple, dull, underdeveloped or desperate (which can not do otherwise) and more so the death penalty does not provide justice. The thinner the organized people, the more he feels the pain and the more he is tied to life. When a blunt killed for killing a clever - is unfair. From the point of view of justice is punishment enough. If we consider evil as a moral disease, the death penalty equals umervschleniyu doctor to the patient, he can not cure. From this perspective, it is criminal.
Do I need a death penalty

The death penalty is useless, because the level of crime affects the inevitability of punishment, not its severity. But, even if each offense is punishable, and rightly punished, it would not eliminate crime. There is a type of person, in whole or in part indifferent to its future. Some of them may "look to the future for a few days, others - only a few minutes. Neither threats nor promises they do not act, they see only a momentary blessing or a pain. Committing violent crime, and knowing that they will get caught, they are just a few minutes of fun, laugh, not thinking about retribution, and without feeling guilty. Such people are always stupid and do not know basic things, such as in severe cases, they may not know the meaning of the word "meter" or in what century they live.

This is not an inherent weakness of the intelligence is simply a school education system, which is generally based on coercion, completely passes them. They can not force the threat because the threat is a promise of some trouble in the future, but they are unable to be attentive to its future. Women of this type are often the prostitutes and the men elected by other criminal activities - in fact, if there are someone who is constantly on them oversees and directs to the non-criminal way. Their behavior (inattention to threats) are often perceived as a mockery, so, once in the criminal world, they do not last long.

There is another common case in which the inevitability of punishment does not stop the offender. Sometimes a person who is unable to harm his enemy, harms himself. More precisely, it can not hurt quite strongly, and then a surplus of feelings directed at himself. For this man should possess one of three emotions: despair, resentment or anger. So the hero, having lost the battle, rushed into the thick of the enemy and fights until it has been dispatch, although he could have been saved. So the captain refused to leave a sinking ship. So ruined father of a family shot on the street at random people, then kills his wife and children and finally themselves. Despair, resentment and anger have one thing in common: in particular, the critical strength of moral sentiments "flips" - good and evil are reversed.

What is worse - the better, because a person thinks, and of course comes the worst way. So, after passing a critical point, hurt a loved one (more expensive, the more pain), so offended torn relationship forever, and ruin his life. If a person owns a sufficiently strong frustration, resentment or anger, the inevitability and severity of punishment will be under pressure to the crime. This dangerous state of mind, overturning the basic moral concepts can be called a moral delusion. This nonlinear response of the psyche to supraliminal exposure. And the strength of such influence that is felt as beyond, different people have different. There are those who have this moral threshold is low or almost zero, they are often described as psychopaths.

A psychopath can come into a rage on the most, from our point of view, innocent things. And the moral state of delirium in some cases can be partially controlled by reason, that is to have more and its upper limit, beyond which is not developed. It may be partial, that is manifested only one area of life, such as in a family quarrel, and perhaps universal. Gives a sense of liberation and in some respects, nice - osobozhdaet as a breakthrough of the dam, and exactly the same way can take away life. Many heroic military exploits were committed in this state. As well as sports and victories attained in danger of life.

Isolation of the offender from society should not be a punishment, but prevention of crime. Ask a simple question. Why tigers are kept behind bars Zoo and do not let the streets, even if the Tigers still not eaten anyone? The answer is obvious: Tigers do not let out for the sake of preventing a tragedy. But if we have a recidivist murderer, who does not repent, and even boast of his conduct and said that would kill again, once set free, we let him go after sentence. It can not be less dangerous than the tiger on the streets.

In many cases released has served the punishment is definitely aware that he commits a crime again. As if the Tigers specifically released from the cells and wait to they gobbled up more people. But "justice" immediately intervenes and demands that those who have already been punished, was free. But what about those innocent, he slay the next week? Indicating that the validity of this? You can only punish the guilty. To isolate the killer can only be after he kills someone. Even if it is clear that he will kill, we must wait for his first victim.
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