Decide with the desires
If you can not determine at what the top of the first climb, do not rush. To begin with, decide desires , make a list of your goals by writing back all that comes to mind. Fill this list as new ideas and aspirations. Do not hesitate to write about very short-range order like buying a piece of clothing you liked and very far to get such a huge income or build your own villa (unless, of course, it you think you'll need to follow). All the same, then this list will be updated many times and corrected. In the most unrestrained, unsatisfied people such a list could include 50-100 desires and goals, the more restrained - a dozen and a half.
Divide the desire for group
Next, divide all your desires into several groups according to areas of life. Such areas a little, for most people, all their desires are put in 5-6 groups and you can have some purpose in each of them. Third, and then the half life of most adults devoted to the work. It is therefore very important that this third of life you have lived with joy, getting together with money fun. And it needs to do what you do best, what drags your soul.
If you do not know what exactly you can arrange it as a goal at this early stage you can not say getting a job, but only an understanding of what work can you fully arranged. Your goal at this very early stage can be formulated like this: "I realize what kind of activities (some work) can give me full satisfaction and desired income." And then, after the execution of this order, you already are building themselves a coveted job.
If you know what you want, and write: "I get a job administrative assistant in my specialty with a salary of 15,000 rubles." Or: "I get a job in civil engineering to build decent houses with my income and the prospect of official growth." Or simply: "I'm getting an interesting job with an income in 5000 (10 000 20 000) rubles (or dollars). All lives are equal - choose the income that you really need, you think yourself worthy of it and are willing to make efforts to achieve it .
There are situations when money man simply not interested (they earned previously, or sufficiently earns a husband or wife), but he was bored sit back, and he is looking for, what would he do. In this case, the goal may be to say something like: "I find this type of activity that will be very interesting and I completely take my time and attention." In the end, you find something that will make you feel popular personality.
Getting specific material objects
The next sphere of human endeavor - is receiving any material benefits. This can be anything: an apartment, house, car, clothes, TV, trips, ie something for which you have to pay money. We specifically used the term "receiving" rather than purchase, not to narrow the possible ways of obtaining those benefits. Clearly, in most cases it will purchase, on which you'll need the money. But if you say Life is the process of obtaining a desirable thing or object, it could seek other ways of providing you with that to which you aspire.
Ask for Life, what do you want to, hardly worth it. Life does not care what you choose yourself, if only you it was really needed and you get pleasure from owning them. If there is something you do not want, then you are obviously not needed. If you do not want anything from the wealth, you do not need anything, we can not dwell on this point. But it happens rarely. For most people, this point is very important, because most of their desires are just in receipt of material benefits. So choose what you need most today, and is forming the event. The wording here can be anything: "I'm getting a new car brand" Passat "," I buy a fur coat of mink "or" We drive the new own apartment. "More detailed recommendations on the formulation of objectives will be presented later.
Search life partner, the device of privacy
This group goals are all the desires associated with the device of privacy in the version that suits you. This can be a friendship, marriage, virtual love, sex, partnership, or something else. If you have here some goals, try to clearly write down exactly what you want. For example: "I'm getting married in loving me and loved me to men." Or: "I meet a boy (girl) of my dreams, and together we're going to rest on the sea." Etc. If you do not know whether you need all this fuss, then just ask for life to help you decide what do you need really. Then your order can be: "I could easily understand what type of relationship with someone you love me completely satisfied with for years to come." And then start looking for a loved one who will have the same views on privacy.
Understanding yourself
Another goal is very popular - the understanding of himself. Why do I live? What compels me to please some people and laugh at others? Why I chose a kind of work (husband, friends, location, etc.)? Why do I get all irritated? These and similar questions are constantly occupied by many people who can not find them clear answers. And the answer is no, because there is no clearly defined issues. More precisely, the issues is set, but it is usually questions like: "What should I do?" And yet do nothing, enough has already done. Now it's time to start thinking. You should ask yourself these questions to understand how you created this situation themselves? What are the internal settings or values guided, for that fight? What external programs practiced? What benefits were removed? Only after getting full answers to these questions will decide what to do, and not before. Your goal at this stage might look like: "I'm getting the right information and clearly understand how and why I created for himself the current situation." When you understand this, then the best way out will appear as if by itself.
What if anything does not want
There are many people who can not understand what they want. Accordingly, it would be difficult to determine with their wishes and choose the most important. Them in order of assistance, offer to execute the following exercise.
Exercise, "I - Billionaire"
Prepare a pen and piece of paper. Adopt a good posture at the table, relax and stop "running" thoughts. Imagine that you have inherited $ 100 billion (after tax). Try to determine what the first five steps you do, having received such practically unlimited resources. Record these steps. Play the mind, what will happen next year if you take these five steps.
If you are at reading these lines seem that exercise is very easy, we would like to note that this is not the case. Wishes of the majority of people do not go further than the Mercedes, apartment or country house and a trip to the Bahamas. In addition, it is a purely consumer purposes for which do not need such large sums. Do you have any secret desires that require almost unlimited resources? This is purely a consumer desires, or if you wanted to do something big and bright for the people? Or vice versa, for all people and nothing for ourselves? Do not forget that any extreme talk about problems in your value system. The proposed exercise helps to "pull out" of our hidden desires and needs and better understand what is at the top you should climb first.