Defeat your weaknesses
The first dragon - this is our weakness, fear, dislike of himself, doubts, and chronic insecurity in their own abilities. This dragon crawling, wingless, colorless. He gets in the way of all our achievements, resisting expulsion, radiates warmth and spits venomous saliva. And from the drops of saliva grow up problems, sickness, misery, poverty, hopeless life and bad karma. Him that the dragon at home. He platted a nest in the depths of the subconscious, and to win it, it takes time, desire and perseverance.
The second dragon - it is quite another matter. This dragon is strong, clean, beautiful and looking skyward. He is born from the depths of our subconscious and soars into the blue sky, where everything is possible. In other words, this is our new state of consciousness. Winner of the first dragon awarded tremendous benefits that result from the liberated mind. In order to throw off the shackles first dragon, not enough desire. How many people watching me, looking for freedom, but sitting, oh sit in them all the evil dragon, devouring their strength.
"I read you my poems, but you do not look at me!"
"I really want to Paris, but where is it that I ..."
"Anyway, life has already passed (and speaking about fifty years), even though the children will be glad that's all to them and give."
"I'd like to change but do not believe that I myself can do something."
All of these phrases I heard from real people. Yes, much to our processing of uprooting the dragon of the unconscious. And you know, what else are different people, enslaved first wingless dragon? They are sad, some heavy eyes. But those who are freed from the shackles, downright radiate the joy of life. They are bright, open, intelligent eyes and a constant readiness for a cheerful smile. They awoke to life and, therefore, only the stars above us!

Solemn contract with yourself
Perhaps the first thing a magical cure for the evil dragon of doubt - is a complete acceptance of myself, full confidence in yourself, your intuition. Starting today, wrap yourself with a great and solemn agreement based on love and signed with love. Here it is.
Today I conclude with a great contract that I undertake to become a best friend. This means that I take full responsibility for their lives. I fully forgive myself for everything. I trust myself implicitly. I - part of a divine plan for the establishment of Light on earth, otherwise I would not be here. Everything I do, leads me to my highest good. No matter what my critics, they do not know what it takes for me, but I do. I believe in his high destiny on this earth. Therefore, all what I touch, blooms.
I fully take care of her beautiful body, I try to put to bed before you start to fall down from exhaustion. I often try to relax and go to fresh air. I solemnly refuse to enter into your body poisons such as nicotine, fatty and high-calorie foods. Alcohol use, I also take my to a minimum and ideally completely reject it. Every day I devote fifteen minutes of charging, and as soon as possible go to the pool.
Here's my contribution. And in return I ask that my beautiful body served me faithfully not let me down. My lofty goals require perfect health, so I appeal to my body and ask him to restructure all of its cells and molecules in the direction of youth, health, strength and beauty. Also, I appeal to your subconscious, your higher self, and continually asking teach me to light the way to the disclosure of my best qualities and potentials. This means sending me signals and signs that support me. It means to bring me wonderful friends and helpers. This means at the right time and right place to realize my goals and desires. The contract is final and subject only to improve.
You can enter into that contract changes that concern just you, and loudly and solemnly read it aloud. Such an action is taken very seriously. You know, that all obligations are not left unattended, so the contract immediately goes into effect. Following the adoption of this treaty have no doubt that you have for yourself the best friend! I congratulate you! This is the most important step, my friends. No exaggeration to say that the sincere friendship with him turns into a magic key to your new life. Life without limits. Life joyful, happy and worthy of all respect. Overcome your weaknesses! In order to constantly maintain and nurture a new relationship to itself, is very useful to pronounce such, for example, prayers, affirmations.
☼ I am an expression of divine health.
☼ I am the best expression of divine beauty.
☼ I am a wonderful manifestation of divine talent.
Such an attitude toward itself elevates you and awakens the hitherto unknown strength, talents and abilities. If you are overtired, feeling lack of energy, there is nothing wrong to cheer on their tired body such treatment: "My dear friend, I know you're tired. Please hold on a little more, I soon will indulge you a good fresh food, put in a warm bed, I will make you a light massage, and you'll be in great shape, just help me now, okay? "Try to talk with her as a beautiful body, and you'll soon feel the rush of new, unknown origin who took power. And this is your body's response to sweet words in his address. Just do not be fooled by it, okay? If you already have promised to lay in bed, do not over tighten and to fulfill its promise, and then at other times you will not believe your body and be offended. And it will hurt her to express a sudden illness and infirmities.
This is the alpha and omega, the beginning of all beginnings. We really deserve the best! Here and now. The kind that is. Nice and normal. Young and old. Healthy and not. Complete and slender. Green-and blue-eyed. All of us who make up this diverse world, we can accept ourselves with all of your so-called flaws, love, forgiveness and finally start to enjoy what we have. And even more so that we can create. And we can create a very, very much ...