Defiant behavior
Often, teachers are faced with another problem - the demonstrative behavior, when a child at all costs wants to draw attention to themselves and is provided with all means: lying, foolish; gets her shrieks, screams, throws himself on the floor, knocking his feet, and so etc. These children, despite the tumultuous emotional manifestations are usually selfish, are not critical towards themselves, their emotions are superficial. Very important for us not to go in the wake of such a child, did not give him a foothold in that with the help of demonstrative expressions can achieve the desired result, and thus allowed to manipulate people. Such behavior - not the defense, but a way to gain space, self-affirmation, connected with a desire to subjugate others.
Demonstrative behavior occurs in a collision with any ban, a barrier, and the child as if trying on the strength of this barrier. Such a child makes a strong tension in the atmosphere of the group, and the teacher is looking for different ways to prevent conflicts. The child is usually very well feel the situation and begins to "demonstration" at the most inopportune moment. Of course, during group lessons a teacher can not afford to Nastia scream, and myself - not to respond to this cry. Here's another tactic: the teacher - "Commander", which internally is always ready to violent manifestations on the part of such a child. Can and prikriknut and slap his hand on a desk or in their hands. If the child will feel our strength, then he will respect us and listen to us. Of course, as in any other case, require painstaking work to establish an adequate behavior.

If the child is small, the best way to deal with hysterical reactions - it is certainly not a ban and not a punishment, and switching. Also, we are acting in the cases of demonstrative expressions in children with low intelligence. Very good here rhythmic exercises to music, ie Translation generalized excitation in the ordered movement that soothe the child. However, in no case can give the child to achieve his through demonstrative behavior. In the case of Nastia every time it needed less time to calm down. Eventually she began to talk, not scream. Since it was already possible to agree on everything (including how not to offend his grandfather).
For us there is one rule: do not pack off the child in a state of hysteria, not to hurry to dress him up and give to parents. The child should go home in a good mood - the favorite, forgiven and satisfied.