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Define the character of the exterior

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Define the character of the exterior

If you liked the man, but you are not sure whether to tie a relationship with him or not, in this case is an indispensable tool for you will physiognomy - the science through which we can determine character traits in appearance. On the eyes and shape of the chin can define romance, a strong personality or infantile type, which in 40 years will be a little boy. Of course, a complete picture of the nature of man is impossible to analyze only its appearance but it is not our goal. We restrict ourselves to the basic characteristics that will help us decide whether we become acquainted with a man or not.

Eye Color

Green-eyed male owners and jealous, but very hardworking and always strive to achieve your goals. Blue eyes are in constant search of myself, so can often change the occupation, for the sake of a loved one can move mountains. Gray-eyed representatives of the stronger sex around looking for profits, not the exception, and may be a close relationship with a woman who is pragmatic partner, lucky. Brown-eyed little frivolous and flighty, but with age, usually they make settled down and faithful partner.

Owners of large and thick eyebrows are usually generous, such a partner will not skimp on the gifts. If eyebrows converge on the bridge, before you a man who appreciates and loves his mom. Therefore, for a long and harmonious relationship with them, you will just need to find a common language with its parent. Among men with eyebrows quite a bit henpecked. If men are too thick eyebrows, and they literally hung over his eyes - before you adventurer, who is accustomed to getting what he wants and he is unlikely to be on your interests. If eyebrows are narrow and thick, with their owner gentle nature, he is modest and perhaps even notorious. From such men should not expect decisive action.


Straight noses stubborn, strong leaders and personalities. If you are willing to accept unconditionally the leadership of such men, you have to consider the meaning of his candidacy as a partner. Aquiline noses are popular with women, but their holders are cunning and often brutal. This sexy and attractive men, but rather suspicious in the relationship. These are not easy partners. Snub-nosed man's nature emotional and vulnerable, the money they do not stay, because of their simplicity and impulsivity. In general, if you're ready for a permanent change in the relationship - this is your man.

Sharp and thin nose gives a romantic and subtle nature, this man will fill your relationship with tenderness, but that's to solve a problem when it occurs, it is unlikely to be able to. If a man's nose a potato - it humorist, the soul of the company, a little flippant and frivolous. Upturned noses say temperamental partner living short-term desires, but the nose with nostrils indicates an amorous nature, and moving.


A man with high cheekbones ambitious, he used to communicate to dictate their terms, it complicated. Low cheekbones contrary point to the lack of will and courage. Such a partner would keep the family until recently, and in most cases, a pair of women leaders. If the cheekbones are not high and not low - before you a man, embodied in himself and will power and strength of character and at the same time, modesty, and the ability to compromise. Dimples indicate the good nature and ability to be happy with this man will never be bored.


From his lips, the situation is exactly the same way as with the cheekbones, need a "golden mean". Too thin lips suggest people cautious, dogmatic, even if the corners and dropped down, in front of you a pessimist and a whiner. Too full lips indicate soft men, sometimes infantile, for whom a woman should play the role of mother. But the lips of medium size, with clear corners, not too chubby, but not subtle point to strong personalities, strong-willed, usually to deliver. With such a man you like a stone wall.


This part of the person attracts the same attention as the nose. Women like men with a strong-willed chins and it is absolutely justified. A pronounced chin really shows the will and ability to achieve their goals. Men with square chin have the determination and strong character. Protruding chin, is artful people, smart and sharp tongue. Inexpressive chin points to the fact that the man most likely weakness and you can vit from him the ropes.


Shape of the ears can also tell a lot about a person's character. Meaty big ears are in power, and even cruel men. Pointed upward sign of intelligence and common sense. Winner of tightly squeezed ears calmly and cunning, the most, perhaps, the ideal - it's ears, close to the quadrangle, the holders of such ears are noble, kind and firm in their decisions. Men with long ears are mean and jealous, and protruding ears indicate the innocence and frivolity.
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