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Demonic aspects of sexuality

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Demonic aspects of sexuality

Even today, sexuality is seen by many as something demonic. All attempts to turn a blind eye to an existing problem or provide sexuality as a phenomenon of "perfectly natural" fail. Modern man is still inclined to see in some of the manifestations of sexuality evil in its pure form, sin, fear and rejection. Followers of Freud and his explicit and implicit supporters believe that a child who accidentally witnessed the sexual act of parents, can develop as a consequence of this traumatic experience of neuroses, the foundation for which there is laid in infancy and early childhood.

But something in this theory is alarming: 90% of the population live in such conditions that it seems absolutely impossible to avoid that the children did not notice this or that sexual activity of parents. Only a small stratum of the population able to afford to have an apartment consisting of more than one or two rooms. No doubt, the observation of sexual contact parents or other adults makes children a deep impression. Does this mean that the effect of such an impression that somehow got many children will certainly be a neurosis? Agree with this is equivalent to say: all the children's experiences of traumatized people and lead to a neurosis. In addition, in this case viewed the demonic aspects of sexuality , because it is attributed to such a powerful impact.

To prevent any misunderstandings, we should note that I do not support many modern psychologists, who, fascinated by the removal of the taboo on sexuality, have gone so far as to urge parents not to exclude children from their sex lives. Naïve looks and the opinion of some modern children's writers who believe that even in children's books should mention the sex lives of parents.

They lose sight of the complex of incest, which is expressed in a total taboo on incest. The seamless demonstration of sexual activity of parents too excited incestuous desire and the related sibling rivalry. Oedipal situation is thus extremely acute. However, successfully and without hindrance to demonstrate to their children the sexual aspects of life can be very few parents that are also connected with the taboo of incest. Parents instinctively protect themselves from over-stimulation of their incestuous fantasies and inclinations.


The next example shows how still prevalent view of almost magically harmful effects of sexuality can serve as the laws and jurisprudence regarding exhibitionist. Experiences associated with exhibitionists, for many children and adult women, undoubtedly, serious. But the idea that this fear is so bad for the psyche, it is necessary to exclude the threat of exhibitionism, to intimidate the perpetrators of the prospect of long-term imprisonment or even castration, is debatable. It is impossible to prove conclusively that the experience associated with exhibitionism adult causes the child's mind a serious injury and even more so that a woman would be shocked to the limit of exhibitionistic antics of men.

Everyone knows that exhibitionists are usually harmless and behave in this way precisely because they are afraid of women and do not dare to approach women. Simply put, the woman faces a much greater risk of being raped by the so-called normal man, than be the victim of an exhibitionist, who almost never attacked. Undoubtedly, many adults who suffer from sexual problems, argue that they have arisen as a result of bad childhood experiences associated with the meeting with an exhibitionist, but this should not be construed as evidence of the occurrence of sexual problems, as we face the personal opinion and nothing more.

The desire to find all the reasons are too large. If the person has an upset stomach, it may find that the cause is a cold beer, forgetting that until now he was drinking it daily and without any consequences. Many homosexuals, as long as their condemnation of public opinion, feeling embarrassed about their homosexuality, are trying to justify it because they seduced at a young age of other homosexuals. By analogy with this, many women attribute their sexual problems from the trauma of meeting with an exhibitionist.

In addition, sexuality is regulated and prohibited, such as in hospitals. In that case, if patients stay in hospital a short time, the problem with that is not there, but the fact that in those hospitals where patients are forced to live a long time, for example, in a sanatorium for neurotic or suffering from tuberculosis, any sex life strictly prohibited, may be defined as a consequence of biased attitudes, there is clearly viewed the demonic aspects of sexuality . It is believed that sexual activity can somehow sinister, mysterious ways to harm patients. But, actually, why? Why do patients in most clinics do not have the nerve right to sex within the institution?

In addition, for example, in Switzerland criminal prosecuted a sexual relationship with the idiot people who thus want to protect. But the question arises, from what? Experts are repelled from wrong in principle, postulate that the sex lives of mentally retarded people can not. And the fact that this is essentially inhumane law does not cause resistance to the society, just proves that sexuality is ascribed magical negative influence.

Let me give another example: athletes who participate in major competitions like the Olympics, coaches often strictly forbidden to have sexual relations during the competition. There were times when participants of the Olympiad were sent home because they are allowed to look for sexual adventures. For all that we know that some athletes sex has a beneficial effect and contributes to good athletic performance. However, if the ban is triggered the inertia of the oldest representations, as some primitive peoples the men had no right to have sexual contact with women in a military campaign.

Demonic aspects of sexuality are manifested in the fact that people find it difficult to perceive sexuality as a "pleasure". It is no secret that very few people are able to "just enjoy" sexuality as a good dinner. Theory of a glass of water, according to which sexual experience is equivalent to quench thirst, finds his supporters, but to explain the way this phenomenon in general and they can not.

What do the seemingly overcome the demonic aspects of sexuality in modern psychology? Sinister, demonic - almost always weird, disturbing, numinous phenomenon. It is necessary to receive something that is resistant to understanding how people are in fear. Individuation process, which has a distinct religious character, in many respects, is experienced as numinous. All that has to do with the sacred, too, is a sinister, frightening character. Sexuality is a set of characters of all aspects of individuation.

Contact with the parent beginning expressed as a drama of incest. Shadow associated with destructive sado-masochistic erotic components. Contact with the anima and animus is decorated in the form of sexual intercourse between a man and a woman. Narcissism is experienced in sexual fantasies. The compound of opposites, «unio mystica», «misterium conjunction», finds its most dramatic expression in the language of eroticism.

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