Dependence - the plague twenty-first century
You're madly in love with him. He, too, like the soul in you not denotes all seemingly fine, but the problem is that he can not live without, not only you, but without the booze / cigarettes / gambling / shopping / her work (underline). According to scientists, today from addictions die more people than wars and terrorist attacks combined. Dependence - plague of the twenty-first century. So do not think too much addicted to drinking, smoking, gambling machines etc. - It's just a bad habit from which you can break the habit, it would wish. It is a disease and treat it must be very serious! First, drop condemnation. No one who has not struggled with dependence because it twenty times a day saying: "Stop drinking alcoholic damn well how much can you? Round the clock does not dry out! "
Of course, it is best to entrust the business professional. Send it for treatment. And the simple encoding, droppers and other medical stuff will be small. It is very important not just to remove symptoms but to find and eliminate the very reason! This will help you a professional psychoanalyst. At first glance it may seem that everything is pretty innocuous. Well, think of it, smokes or likes to drink! But who today do not smoke? A sober and do the afternoon with fire not to find! The addicted person is different from "just loving caroused and enjoy" the fact that his emotional state is fully regulated by a dose of alcohol.

If there is no bottle on the table, the holiday he was not a joy! In addition, he is constantly required to increase their dose. Over time "for fun" this man will be required more and more alcohol. As for smoking, it looks like it would be absolutely harmless habit. But in fact, smoking is a symptom of a serious, deeply hidden psychological problems. It is better not to postpone their decision.
In the consolation you can say that a man who suffers from a dependence or does nebeznadezhen. Your love and compassion can heal him. Also today, almost no people without dependencies in one form or another. This is an unhealthy addiction to shopping, and Internet addiction, and overeating, and even seksogolizm. With all of this can be overcome. Importantly, do not hesitate to seek professional help.