Depression from work
Everything in life - good, but in moderation. For example, a favorite work can give a person a lot of positive emotions, but can also enslave him.
If a person lives just a job, giving her all his life forces and, most likely, he seeks to "escape the work, to plunge into its production problems and not see anything around. Of course, the work increases the tone of a man, but let's think: at the expense of what? The answer is quite simple: by reducing the overall quality of life, because it gradually "die off" other important human needs - love, parenting, companionship, recreation.
Work consumes everything: time, effort and nerves. What remains outside, it becomes unnecessary, disturbing and even superfluous. Entering the "stupor" workaholism, people organize their lives in the image of a strong, rushing toward the goal of the locomotive: high speed and intensity. Encountered in the possibility of meetings, events and thoughts pass by like flash in a train window pictures of cities with a lot of people, forever leaving the life, staying only opportunity that will never become a reality.
The average volume of standard anergy in humans is a certain constant, and if the work he spends too much effort, then to other areas of life there is very little or almost nothing. One can imagine that the person the amount of energy equal to about 100 standard units. Internal balance is disturbed when at work, for example, takes 90 units, and on the lives of 10, and even when the ratio was 60:40.
The result - at work one feels the rise of energy and out of work - reducing the energy tone. It appears as if the energy "pumping": on the job - lifting, working out - indifference, apathy and boredom. For sverhradost that such a workaholic experiences at work, it pays "low tone and depression out of it. The higher and more powerful emotions at work, especially if it accompanies a bright success, the deeper and more depressive feelings during off-hours. For the workaholic has more appeal it work, and everything else seem insignificant and unimportant, what a pity to waste time and energy.
You can observe and reverse pattern: the longer endure something unpleasant and difficult at home (violent spouse or imperious wife, overwhelming, for example), the greater the need for compensation for work. In short: the worse the person at home, the more it tends to be better at work. His house is not respected, and inhibit the use and at work - it is a significant person who has power and whose opinion heard.
This law is a constant energy and "pump" it from one sphere to another concisely formulated by a friend of mine, a successful businessman: "I work better than live."
Work gradually obeys all: only shown in terms of necessary and useful people, destroyed friendships and emotional attachments a thing of the past interests and hobbies, it is still what is and what the dress is still what is and what to wear outside of work, at home - only business calls, and in the closet - just business clothes. The work - a kind of drug, and a workaholic "was hooked" self sacrifice and dedication intensive labor.
In essence, improving the quality of their work beyond a certain "bar", a man greatly affects the quality of their lives outside of work. It is important to understand that everyone - your level of "strips". Someone became head of the department and has already "consumed" at work, forgetting about his personal life. And someone quietly working president of a large firm, not forgetting about the joys of life.
The level of such individual "strips" is defined purely empirically. If a person is raised to a higher career step, and he starts trouble of a personal nature (the wife leaves, the children commit antisocial acts, etc.), it says that it has exceeded its capacity, and to rebuild their lives, he needs to find a less stressful job, even at the cost of some loss in salary or status. But if an increase in the service of personal life is also improving, or at least remains negative changes, you can continue to plan for intensive work, because "the plank." Not yet achieved.
Thus, we must remember the laws of a certain amount of energy and the "transfer" of energy between two spheres of life: work and personal life.
In addition, to avoid falling into the "stupor" workaholism, we have to know two rules.
The first rule. We must strive for balance and internal balance in life. Let the work takes approximately 50 conventional units of time and energy, while the other 50 have. is, we must send to the personal sphere. In this case you should try to build a successful job and a successful life, situational directing the main "beam" of energy to that area where currently there was an urgent problem. After solving the problem of energy should be distributed evenly again.
The second rule. If, however, life was going so that the time and effort to go to work, you should understand what you are going and what you can pay (personal life, health). It is therefore necessary in advance to develop a "prevention program" that will protect from depression because of workaholism. Despite the difficulties, still make time for family and friends, reconstruction activities and hobbies. Do not allow yourself to be indifferent and passive in his personal life.
The third rule. If the work is completely defeated, and with great speed supersedes everything else in life, urgently "to take a break: turn off phones to leave the village or fly to the islands. The main thing: to return to life itself.