Desire to have a baby
Let's look through some back pages pregnant woman's life and talk about this important point, as a welcome and sensible child birth. I have no medical training, but still think it will be very cool if my tips can help even one family to give birth to a healthy, developed and cheerful baby! I do not blame women who dared to have an abortion. Causes, motivates a woman to easy for this step could be many: rape, women in poor health, the use of hormones and strong antibiotics in the first days of pregnancy, etc. etc.
Dear future parents, I urge you to ensure that the child you have had a desirable and welcome. People often have children in the most ridiculous reasons. Some do it only because they seek to assert themselves at the expense of children. Now, because they have a man who can pokomandovat, it can scream, throw out their aggression. Women sometimes give birth, because all gynecologists recommend start the first-born to 25 years, etc. Note that this list is missing the most important criterion - a love for yourself and your child.
Oh, if only children were born only desirable, only loving parents and when they morally and financially would be ready for this ... Maybe then there would be fewer unhappy children and aged no less unhappy, and single parents, which children no longer visit. Kinderwunschzentrum has many advantages over unwelcome. Unwanted child is still with the intrauterine state feels like it is not love, as it is unexpected, as from him at first wanted to get rid of through abortion! Maybe someone will doubt conscious of the fruit, which is in the womb, but I'll never forget the disturbing footage per capita, when in 1990 in one of television demonstrated how, during an abortion the fetus was trying to run away and hide inside the womb of the mother cold iron tools doctors.

Again, I in no way condemn abortion, but you must understand that children from prenatal development feel your mood, your love or dislike. On the 18 th week, they even hear your voice and all loud sounds coming from outside of your tummy. Therefore, it is very important that this was a welcome babe , you need to talk to him, address him by name, telling him gentle and loving words. Unwanted children are growing up insecure, restless and irritable. It is desired, planned kids become champions of the future - confident, self-sufficient and purposeful people.
Tabu at conception baby
Another very important point, my friends - is a sober conception! Unfortunately, the problem of alcoholism persists throughout the world, not excluding our own country. How exactly identified Vladimir Dougan: "Alcohol - it is permissible death!" I think virtually every one of you have heard or even encountered instances where the cause of many terrible troubles was the abuse of alcohol. Here's how to detail tells Vladimir Dougan: "... eight grams of pure alcohol per kilogram of your weight lead to imminent death ... even if you drink a glass of beer or a glass of champagne, alcohol molecules that fall into your blood, remove the negative charge of the erythrocyte, with they repel each other, and red blood cells immediately begin to stick together.
At school, in high school you had to show such an experiment. In a glass with water, diluted blood, and if there dripping a few drops of alcohol, the blood immediately precipitated in the form of flakes. The same reaction occurs in our vessels, when we drink a glass of beer or a glass of champagne. You might say: so what, let's in my blood clots are nothing to worry about. But the thing is, when the thrombus is on the large vessel, it's nothing, but when it gets to a small diameter vessels, the blood clot plugging a vessel like a cork. And since the pressure in our circulatory system no laughing, the vessel is inflated and bursts ... But the worst is not on the face, and not even in the liver, and in our brain.
The fact that the brain is the most concentrated alcohol. As we all know, our brain consists of fifteen millions of neurons, interconnected by very thin vessels. To red blood cells can deliver oxygen and nutrients to neurons, they have on these delicate vessels to line up one after another in a chain. Once a small blood clot gets into flasks of the brain, it immediately clogs them, and five - seven minutes of oxygen starvation of brain cells die. In our skull temperature above thirty six degrees, and dead cells immediately begin to decompose. The gravity of the brain damage alcohol can be compared with traumatic brain injury. "
Specialists proved that women who are at the time of conception in an intoxicated state, up to 75% of children are born inferior. In France since the Middle Ages defective children called "carnival child", and in aristocratic circles - "a child of a light dinner, with British workers -" Sunday child of ", because wages were given on Saturday. Many of Genetics and Gynecologists agree that you can not drink alcohol for 3 months before conception! That's it ... So, dear parents, have the courage to take responsibility for healthy and vibrant future of your baby. Have the wisdom to approach the process of conception, thoughtfully, carefully and sensibly.
Select the best gynecologist
That pregnancy makes a woman dependent, possibly for the first time conscious life. After all, the expectant mother needs physical and moral support of family, especially her husband. On this occasion, I would like to sincerely thank my beloved husband Gavril for their invaluable support during my difficult pregnancy. That day he visited me for five months that I spent in the hospital. It was Gabriel believed in me and in the best outcome of pregnancy.
Agree, how difficult is the pregnant woman when one of the maternity hospitals refused to accept it, citing its extremely complex condition. Try to feel the condition of a pregnant woman, when in the first months it is strongly recommended to have an abortion. Agree, as the expectant mother needs support, if the doctors foreshadow it extremely difficult pregnancy outcome. Yes, I talk about myself. My gratitude would be incomplete if I had not thanked surprisingly good and wise woman Natalia Nikolaevna Zakharov. Her help was invaluable.
So, in the way pregnant women are often so-called good advisers, who in all terrible details, thickening paint, tell us about the possible tragic outcome of pregnancy. One gets the feeling that they were defending a thesis on the topic. Each problem is individual. Each case is subjective. Therefore, be wary of unsolicited advice. If you overcame depression, excessive anxiety, not necessarily to share it with anyone. You can console yourself, your favorite, good comedy, cartoons, shopping, or something delicious. For a successful outcome of pregnancy should consult a doctor with years of practice. Unfortunately, not all doctors are loyal, correct professionals.
Therefore, I strongly encourage you to a gynecologist you trust who you recommend many who gives you peace of mind. Because it is such a doctor can help you feel secure in the most crucial period of your life. And what could be better peace of mind for the formation of sustainable nature of your baby? Really?