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Who does not love dessert? These foods are attracting many to its unique taste, but the desserts are not only famous for its variety of flavor, they can be used as a healing tool and as a cosmetic.


Creams are useful for the organism due to their content of tryptophan. This amino acid is necessary for our body, since through it we are as cheerful as the day and at night we provide a firm and quiet sleep. Also, the cream useful because of the high content of vitamin A. Doctors recommend that patients with gastritis and cream of a stomach ulcer. Also, the cream positively affect the skin, proteins and fats found in cream, nourish the skin, soften and hold in moisture.

Cream can be replaced by dinner once or twice a week. This recommendation is suitable for those who are watching their figures. Do yourself a nutritious and delicious cocktail. If you are afraid to get better, choose a cream is not too fat, if you have no problems with being overweight, then you will approach 35% cream. 150 ml cream to whip in a blender with 1 teaspoon of honey. This cocktail will help those who suffer from insomnia.

Very useful to take baths with cream, this 0.5-liter 35% cream is added to the bath. After a bath the skin becomes soft and velvety. If you take cream bath twice a week can not only improve the skin condition, but also rejuvenate. Cream makes a very effective mask for the face. To give the skin elasticity and improve its status must be a teaspoon of honey mixed with 2 teaspoons of cream, and add a few drops of lemon juice. The mask is applied to the face with a thin layer and leave for 30 minutes. After that, wash thoroughly with warm water.
If you have dry pigmented skin to whiten and moisturize it can also help mask cream. Fatty cream in a 1:1 ratio mixed with lemon juice and add 7.10 drops of 10% hydrogen peroxide. The mask is applied to the face and leave for 30 minutes. After a wash with warm water.


It's no secret that the yogurt contains beneficial bacteria, so eating these fermented milk products, we, first of all, restoring the intestinal flora. The mechanism of action of yogurt is quite simple, the microflora of the stomach is gradually changing, becoming more efficient, but it certainly streamlines the process of digestion.

Moreover, a number of bacteria in yogurt helps not only to improve digestion, they stimulate the immune system, resulting in increased resistance to infection. Nowadays, the use of yogurt, not only as food but also as a cosmetic product has become very popular. Cream of yogurt is very well absorbed, making the skin smooth and elastic.

To make a mask for the face, choose not sweet fat yogurt. The mask of yogurt and oranges is a refreshing, stimulating and soothing effects. To make it take 1 tbsp. l. yogurt, from 1 / 4 orange juice squeeze out and mix it with yogurt. Apply this mask on your face and leave for 10-15 minutes. After application rinse with warm water.

Also, yogurt can make a cream for hands and nails. The contents of one jar of yogurt mixed with the juice of one lemon. The mixture was cooled in the refrigerator for several hours. Then this cream carefully rubbed into the skin of the hands and nails. Residues can be washed off with water. If you apply this cream every day your skin will become very elastic and smooth and nails stop stratify and break. The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for a week.

Mask of yogurt are also suitable weak and dry hair. 250 gr. fat yogurt should be mixed with 1 tbsp. liters of oil zhzhoba and 1 tbsp. l. honey. Mask to the hair and leave for 30 minutes. After that, rinse thoroughly with water.

Egg yolks

This product is very popular in cosmetology, the presence of lecithin and vitamin A, make the skin smooth and silky. Also from the yolks do different energy drinks that restore strength and gives energy.

If you have scheduled a tough day, and in the morning you feel is not just broken, and all the exhausted - to get the necessary boost of energy you will be able to replace the usual breakfast on the energy mix of egg yolks. To prepare this mixture you will need: 2 egg yolks, 75 g sugar, 1 tbsp lemon juice 2 tbsp hot water and 1 tablespoon brandy. Yolks whipped with a mixer with the sugar, and add water, lemon juice and brandy.

Hair also can cook a great tool from egg yolks. Mask for damaged hair: 2 tbsp honey mixed with 2 egg yolks. Apply mask on your hair and wrap head with polyethylene, and on top with a towel. Keep the mask on the hair should be 30 minutes. If we repeat this procedure once a week, your hair will become shiny and stop falling out.

It is also an indispensable component of egg yolk facial masks. Nourishing, toning mask: 1 egg yolk mash with 100 g of sour cream. Carefully grind lemon rind and add to the mix, the container cover and leave for 15 minutes. Then add 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, all thoroughly. Applied to the skin to a thick layer, the mask must be completely dry. After drying, rinse with warm water. If the person is no vascular network can be after wash away the mask, wipe the face of an ice cube.

Egg yolks

This product is very popular in cosmetology, the presence of lecithin and vitamin A, make the skin smooth and silky. Also from the yolks do different energy drinks that restore strength and gives energy.

If you have scheduled a tough day, and in the morning you feel is not just broken, and all the exhausted - to get the necessary boost of energy you will be able to replace the usual breakfast on the energy mix of egg yolks. To prepare this mixture you will need: 2 egg yolks, 75 g sugar, 1 tbsp lemon juice 2 tbsp hot water and 1 tablespoon brandy. Yolks whipped with a mixer with the sugar, and add water, lemon juice and brandy.

Hair also can cook a great tool from egg yolks. Mask for damaged hair: 2 tbsp honey mixed with 2 egg yolks. Apply mask on your hair and wrap head with polyethylene, and on top with a towel. Keep the mask on the hair should be 30 minutes. If we repeat this procedure once a week, your hair will become shiny and stop falling out.

It is also an indispensable component of egg yolk facial masks. Nourishing, toning mask: 1 egg yolk mash with 100 g of sour cream. Carefully grind lemon rind and add to the mix, the container cover and leave for 15 minutes. Then add 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, all thoroughly. Applied to the skin to a thick layer, the mask must be completely dry. After drying, rinse with warm water. If the person is no vascular network can be after wash away the mask, wipe the face of an ice cube.

Egg yolks

This product is very popular in cosmetology, the presence of lecithin and vitamin A, make the skin smooth and silky. Also from the yolks do different energy drinks that restore strength and gives energy.

If you have scheduled a tough day, and in the morning you feel is not just broken, and all the exhausted - to get the necessary boost of energy you will be able to replace the usual breakfast on the energy mix of egg yolks. To prepare this mixture you will need: 2 egg yolks, 75 g sugar, 1 tbsp lemon juice 2 tbsp hot water and 1 tablespoon brandy. Yolks whipped with a mixer with the sugar, and add water, lemon juice and brandy.

Hair also can cook a great tool from egg yolks. Mask for damaged hair: 2 tbsp honey mixed with 2 egg yolks. Apply mask on your hair and wrap head with polyethylene, and on top with a towel. Keep the mask on the hair should be 30 minutes. If we repeat this procedure once a week, your hair will become shiny and stop falling out.

It is also an indispensable component of egg yolk facial masks. Nourishing, toning mask: 1 egg yolk mash with 100 g of sour cream. Carefully grind lemon rind and add to the mix, the container cover and leave for 15 minutes. Then add 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, all thoroughly. Applied to the skin to a thick layer, the mask must be completely dry. After drying, rinse with warm water. If the person is no vascular network can be after wash away the mask, wipe the face of an ice cube.

Egg yolks

This product is very popular in cosmetology, the presence of lecithin and vitamin A, make the skin smooth and silky. Also from the yolks do different energy drinks that restore strength and gives energy.

If you have scheduled a tough day, and in the morning you feel is not just broken, and all the exhausted - to get the necessary boost of energy you will be able to replace the usual breakfast on the energy mix of egg yolks. To prepare this mixture you will need: 2 egg yolks, 75 g sugar, 1 tbsp lemon juice 2 tbsp hot water and 1 tablespoon brandy. Yolks whipped with a mixer with the sugar, and add water, lemon juice and brandy.

Hair also can cook a great tool from egg yolks. Mask for damaged hair: 2 tbsp honey mixed with 2 egg yolks. Apply mask on your hair and wrap head with polyethylene, and on top with a towel. Keep the mask on the hair should be 30 minutes. If we repeat this procedure once a week, your hair will become shiny and stop falling out.

It is also an indispensable component of egg yolk facial masks. Nourishing, toning mask: 1 egg yolk mash with 100 g of sour cream. Carefully grind lemon rind and add to the mix, the container cover and leave for 15 minutes. Then add 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, all thoroughly. Applied to the skin to a thick layer, the mask must be completely dry. After drying, rinse with warm water. If the person is no vascular network can be after wash away the mask, wipe the face of an ice cube.

Egg yolks

This product is very popular in cosmetology, the presence of lecithin and vitamin A, make the skin smooth and silky. Also from the yolks do different energy drinks that restore strength and gives energy.

If you have scheduled a tough day, and in the morning you feel is not just broken, and all the exhausted - to get the necessary boost of energy you will be able to replace the usual breakfast on the energy mix of egg yolks. To prepare this mixture you will need: 2 egg yolks, 75 g sugar, 1 tbsp lemon juice 2 tbsp hot water and 1 tablespoon brandy. Yolks whipped with a mixer with the sugar, and add water, lemon juice and brandy.

Hair also can cook a great tool from egg yolks. Mask for damaged hair: 2 tbsp honey mixed with 2 egg yolks. Apply mask on your hair and wrap head with polyethylene, and on top with a towel. Keep the mask on the hair should be 30 minutes. If we repeat this procedure once a week, your hair will become shiny and stop falling out.

It is also an indispensable component of egg yolk facial masks. Nourishing, toning mask: 1 egg yolk mash with 100 g of sour cream. Carefully grind lemon rind and add to the mix, the container cover and leave for 15 minutes. Then add 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, all thoroughly. Applied to the skin to a thick layer, the mask must be completely dry. After drying, rinse with warm water. If the person is no vascular network can be after wash away the mask, wipe the face of an ice cube.

Egg whites

Egg whites - an excellent source of protein, it protects the cardiovascular system, as well as egg white protein lowers cholesterol as a whole, while increasing high-density lipoprotein - good cholesterol. The protein contains few calories, and therefore used in many diets. Also, protein is used in cosmetics, it is a wonder tool for the face, because it makes the skin supple, removes shine and pores.

If you want to quickly lose a few pounds, try two or three days to eat fried squirrel. Three proteins whip into a thick froth, add a little sugar and salt, and 100 ml of skim milk. Such an omelet you eat three times a day, if not to load you can eat some scrambled eggs with black bread. You can also eat three apples a day.

The mask of egg whites, lemon juice and oat bran will be useful for those who have oily skin and enlarged pores. But be careful with the use of protein, it is very dry skin, and is a sure way to wrinkles. Therefore, the mask of a protein should not be used often. For the mask you need egg whites, lemon juice, lemon peel and oat bran. This mask is not only a "spoiled" the pores, but also bleach the face.

Beat the egg whites, gradually pour into it a teaspoon of lemon juice, add 1 teaspoon finely frayed lemon zest and 2 teaspoons oat bran. A lot of very good mix and apply on face. 10 - 15 minutes carefully remove the mask, the remains washed away with warm water.


Dark chocolate - is not only a delicacy, it is a product that helps our body produce the hormone of joy, and so it is dark chocolate improves mood. Dark chocolate soothes cough, but as a cosmetic product perfectly rejuvenates and moisturizes the skin.

Universal mask for all skin types face is very simple: 3 tablespoons cocoa powder, diluted with milk until thick cream and add a teaspoon of honey is not candied. Bears in the face for 20 minutes, then carefully remove the cosmetic cream or cotton wool soaked in warm water.

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