Favorable. Has to eloquence, music or poetry, and gives the gift in these areas. Connection. Increases the love of life and entrepreneurial spirit. Moderates the useless expenditure of nervous energy. Improves the health of children and young people. Gives a larger volume of business, or greater importance and value of creative imagination. Allows a more practical and to move quickly from idea to action. This period, when working in the right direction to implement their dreams. Failures are unlikely. When they occur, are able to live with that. Move profitable. Allows you to seduce, love or love to win. Trigon. Increases inventive talent or skill. Allows you to benefit from natural sympathies, talent or advantages. Early alliance for girls and young lover for women. Long stay young and flexible, good for manual work, the women's needlework, for a pleasant movement. Gives diplomacy in love. Sextile. Intellektualiziruet love, strengthens the partnership and improve professional relationships with the opposite sex. Conducive to commercial or other demarches and negotiations are needed acquaintance and sympathy. Proposal of marriage for young girls. Love friendship. Secular success. Satisfaction with self-esteem. Small friendly. Brings support fellows, colleagues, friends for a girl. Platonic love or friendship love young people. Artistic satisfaction. Joy of self-esteem. Feels rejuvenated. Unfavorable. Weakly negative aspects. Some trouble due to writings, the tendency toward dispersal, by indiscretion (gab). A person can not act in harmony, respectively. Opposition. Inclines to impatience, to the whims and nervousness, especially in a female horoscope. Has to manifest itself and of all concerned to make money. The children are inattentive and distracted, often thankless. They are guided by the ease and interest. Makes impressionable girls and windy. Has to frequent hoarseness, nervous disorders. Factor of instability, indecisiveness and complications. Quadrature. Induces a fast life and eat the bread on the vine. Makes women jealous and railer, slicker, self-interested, they promise more than they do. Exposes or offers for bad faith, breach of trust.