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 Connection. Impedes the health and mental equilibrium; causes upset feelings and thoughts. It is hard to look at things simply, the taste for new and unforeseen forces lose production for the sake of the shadows and we should expect disappointment or even disaster. Trigon. Increases self-confidence and gives a strong nerves. May mark the change, a sudden revolution, happily transforming social and material life. Improves moral and intellectual frame of mind and points to the person who was adopted. Sextile. Has to learn constantly renewed sense of pleasure and escape from their usual duties. Gives great composure, confidence in the future and its possibilities. Allows not primarily be absorbed by their surroundings and be able to say no. When that does not like. Opportunities luck increases and decreases the risk of failure in all that speculative and recklessly. Eliminates the risk of fraud and slander, makes it less sensitive to injections of pride, makes the ascent due to random changes, as well as helping to return peace and quiet without that person has made for this effort. Small friendly. Notes the great physical and moral independence. Makes the effort less onerous and more profitable. Brings little satisfaction of contingencies and unexpected support, which follow each other. Opposition. Always violate the peace of mind and can put any loss in all areas. This factor is always unpleasant and often dangerous surprises, this trend threatens the abrupt onset and end of the accident, especially after 60 years. The mood becomes mobile, and activity hopping. Quadrature. Can suddenly change the ordinary conditions of life, people during this period depends more than ever more of merciless fate, it seems that squaring the cause, if not disaster, then at least unpleasant and unexpected facts of the kind that make exclaim: "Only this me and lacking! "
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