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Destinations uranium to Saturn

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 Connection. There may be a deleterious effect on mental and physical realm. Does not allow to obey the rules of the hostel, has to manifest itself more undisciplined than independent, life-threatening elderly; puts loneliness quarantine. Suddenly can destroy what seemed finally established or reliable. Trigon. Helps to resist any kind of hostility and win it as a support to the capricious and merciful fate, and because of the effectiveness of original and unexpected means used by man. Personality stands out, a person tends to stand out from a number of mediocrity, and his intellectual independence grows, sometimes it knows no barriers. Energy overbearing and tenacious, she breaks all that seeks to impose its directives or the concept of that cloud the mind or hurt the convictions. This trend increases all the qualities that allow a person to maintain their dignity, remain independent or to obey the discipline, which suits him. Sextile. The fate of compassionate and ambitions are met as a result of unforeseen circumstances, and because of personal merit and the efforts that are attached. Good luck affects the intellectual and moral qualities, a man looks at things broadly, without landing, under the correct angle. Goes straight to the goal, without wearing a mask, inspires more respect than the desire to impose itself. Small friendly. Allows you to better endure adversity. Brings a little surprise, more or less pleasant, that make life less bleak. Reduces the risk of failure in speculative combinations. Opposition. Causes unforeseen events, accidents, disasters, more or less dangerous depending on the harmfulness of the two planets in the horoscope. Entices people long to experience their plans and to savor its rancor. Slowly it accumulates arraignment, he inflates them, he creates his idea fix, then suddenly, like discharging a capacitor, it does not see anything more, except for one thing: to satisfy his desire and his passion. Quadrature. Inclines to the moments of nervous over-activity, followed by periods of decline, depression and fatigue. This mental disorder has a harmful effect on the whole course of life. With a negative Saturn person can be a dangerous maniac, and his behavior may be to others in the same rock, as well as for himself. Predisposes a person to the moments of blindness, the brain of its active part is not more than a

control of the thinking self.
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