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Develop the childs ability

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Develop the child's ability

The inner world of a child is rich, you can use this quality to overcome his shyness. Take arms creativity - to invent, invent, play. Development of creative abilities of the child to help him throw his overwhelming feelings and emotions, to get inner confidence and calm. Joint activities have always pulls together when your child will thrive in, say, a painting, it can raise self-esteem, to show him that he was no worse than others, but something can be even greater.

Do not rely on someone else's opinion about your child. If the school had a conflict and the teacher says your child is guilty, do not scold him, do not understand the situation, and even more so in public. Of course, not unfounded to accuse others, promise to talk with your child and to clarify the situation. Try to talk with your child in a relaxed atmosphere, to analyze the situation and determine what his behavior was wrong and how such behavior was caused. If guilty, your child may want to think it reasonable punishment (of course, not physically), but remember, you can not punish for the same thing twice. If the child has already been punished at school, it is enough to do the discussion and analysis of the conflict.

Do not be afraid to praise the child. Tell him compliments, enjoy achievements, expressed confidence in the success of his undertakings. Do not be afraid perehvalit - a shy child perehvalit simply impossible. These children are very impressionable and heavily experienced the slightest resentment caused by insensitive peers and adults. Reward your child for the anguish and still coming to him the experience! Praise has a special role in enhancing self-esteem of the child. An adult person there are plenty of evidence of its importance and self-sufficiency - a strong family, a prestigious high-paying job, the respect of colleagues and friends, higher wages, and so on, and despite this, many people have doubts about its viability, to say nothing of a small child!

Praise the child can be not only good results, but also for the fact that he put effort. Let him feel that his efforts will be appreciated. Praise should be sincere, because children are very thin feel false, especially shy. You can exaggerate a little kid's achievements, but only in moderation. Dishonesty, excessive waste of delight cause the children embarrassment and resentment.
It is important to know that the child wants

Develop the ability of your child. If you notice his achievement in any field, try to support his initiatives. Of course, visiting, for example, art school or a dancing group to be his desire and decision, not yours. Achieving good results will give him confidence and increase his prestige among peers. Go to a little trick - Organize an event in which your child can express yourself and show off their talents. The fact that the organizer of the festival will you give him confidence and self-worth. Do not forget, success attracts success and failure - a failure. The success of the child increases his self-esteem. Help your child to leave with the dignity of the situations in which he made any mistake or inadvertence. Do not leave him alone with them after failures. Encourage your child to do any kind of sport that he likes. Sport contributes to the development of personal qualities such as endurance, persistence, willpower, perseverance, giving the child in the sports section, we develop a child's ability.

Teach your child to find what it is like him. Often shy children are obedient and passive, and agree with everything that will offer parents. Teach your child not to go on about other people's opinions, but also have to defend their own. Of course, parents know their child, however, it is impossible to predict what kind of activity may appeal to your son or daughter. Often a child because of shyness and conservatism can not say what he would like to do. Encourage your child to a variety of classes, it will help him determine the range of his interests. Give him a chance to try everything available to you the activities, from visiting clubs sculpting and finishing joint cycling.

It is important to include your child kompensatorskie mechanisms. Ideal people do not exist, someone has high achievements in sports, someone knows the math. Tribute to your child. Naturally, it is necessary to make efforts to overcome the shortcomings, but do not let your child get stuck on them. More likely to make pictures of the baby, shoot it on video, learn to behave liberated and free in front of the camera. If a child behaves shy, calm him, tell me what these entries and photos are only for family members, who already see him every day and which should not be shy. However, look at the results, select the best, discuss them, mark it as a beautiful smile, a relaxed posture, natural.

Ask him to name something he thinks is beautiful in its own appearance. Let him see myself from outside. Teach your child to rehearse before a performance in front of the mirror to see their facial expressions and gestures. Offer classes at drama school, it's a great way for self-expression and liberation. You can also enroll in a circle, involving public performances - dance, choir, music, etc. Participation in collective performances are not so hard to carry shy children, but teach to the public.

It happens that parents seek to realize their unfulfilled dreams, pushing the child to an activity. If this exercise causes your baby's interest - is fine, but if he resists and refuses to do it - do not make the child the freedom to set their creative work and is not obliged to do things like you only. Supporting the child in all his creative endeavors, keep the creativity does not become your child's care in a contrived reality, sometimes shy children cope in such a way with the problem.
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