Dreams are usually comes when person sleeps.The dreams you have are the interface between your conscious waking state and your subconscious mind.Mostly dreams comes in night,Night is only a much longer time to see more and more dreams.During a whole day the first 10 minutes is only at REM peroid..the rest were all in the morning times ..which is more rememberable.

Some peoples dreaming about their future,that what they do in future.some are dreaming about their love releationship...that how long it is being going.Students dreaming about their education.
Everyone dreams about 100 minutes per night;but you have just difficulty to remember out yours dreams.

It express that what you exactly dreaming of..and what is going to happen in your physical body.They are a way of expressing and resolving what happens in your sub conscious mind. Science has shown that without dreaming you quickly breakdown in both mind and body.But as you just awake you are just forget all things which you are dreaming off,Som peoples remembering all things.
Through your dreams you access a massive library of insight and information from your subconscious mind and the collective consciousness of humanity.

So dreams are yours ..and it can be happen in your life..or can not.Some body thoughts that is a combination of all spritual cantacts between you and god himself.Some dreams gives guidance..and some are truely work releated.It also solve your problems regarding your personal and professional issue.So to make your dreams true..keep watching it.