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Diet and Elemental

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Diet and Elemental

For signs of fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius). This element is related to the circulatory system, so it will be helpful to eat those foods that are beneficial and contribute to cleaning the blood and blood vessels. Products with cholesterol is better to eat in small quantities. Useful to introduce into your diet Vitamin E, as it plays the role of biological antioxidant and helps to ensure that blood is clean. But his admission has to be careful, because an overdose of this vitamin can cause fatigue, frustration on the part of the gastrointestinal tract, headache, muscular weakness.
With the prevalence in the horoscope of the elements of Fire main meal should be in 12-14 hours. It is undesirable to eat much in the morning, or better just to cancel the meal. Better to eat foods rich in protein, fruits, berries, grasses, herbs, vegetable oil. Eat less sweet, porridge is better to cook on the water, not milk. As for drinks, give preference to green tea, and coffee and black tea is better to drink in small quantities. People differ in the absence of elements of Fire action. So if you overeaten in one day, then try to limit myself to eat the next day.

For signs of the Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn). The sign of this element is better to give preference to products that will enhance their skeletal system. Proteins are the basic building blocks of the human body. Of calcium depends on the strength of bones and teeth, it is important for nerve and muscle contraction, regulation of enzyme activity. Products such as fish, beef, veal, chicken, turkey, eggs, milk and milk products, cheese, beans, peas, soybeans, nuts, sardines, salmon, vegetables and fruits are essential for the normal functioning of the body. Compared with other signs, the earth, usually do well with animal fats, but are best used in food lean meats.
With the prevalence in the horoscope of the element of Earth to evenly distribute the food throughout the day. First meal in the morning 6-8 hours later in the day 12-14 and 18-20 in the evening hours. In winter you can go for a meal twice a day. It is desirable to limit the use of dairy products, except dairy, as well as sweet and salty foods, white bread, millet porridge. Well the body absorbs the sweet berries and fruits, various vegetables and root crops.

People of Earth Elemental prefer dishes with a large variety of food and large portions. Capricorn only capable of moderation, if not very hungry.

For a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). This element is related to human digestion, as well as his urinary system. Good to eat foods rich in potassium, since it contributes to a better functioning body. Potassium is necessary for the body's cells, maintains fluid and electrolyte balance, improves muscle and lowers arterial blood pressure. Foods that are a major source of potassium - a leafy green vegetables, citrus fruits, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, bananas, dried apricots, dates, apples and potatoes. Signs of this element is necessary to eat foods that have a diuretic effect (cucumbers, radishes, celery, parsley, asparagus). Some products are assisting the digestive process. This rhubarb, papaya, carrots, oranges, pineapples.

With the prevalence in the horoscope of the element of water is the greatest amount of food it is best to use up to 14-15 hours, with the growing moon. With waning moon to eat more at night, after 18-19 hours. It is advisable not to eat fatty meat food, and do not eat large amounts of coffee, black tea products made from wheat flour. Useful for the body to drink juices from various fruits, and eat sweet fruits, berries and melon.
People love the elements of Water, "mixed" kind of food, ie cook "soup" of all that is in the refrigerator. Stunning insight allows us to make a surprisingly tasty dish.

For air sign (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius). This element is related to the nervous system and the development of mental energy. Therefore, for signs of the elements needed products that stimulate the activity of the brain and nervous system. Beef, offal, rabbit meat, chicken, cod, cheese, dairy products, eggs, nuts beneficially affect the body's vital functions.

With the prevalence in the horoscope of the element of air is best to eat at 8-10 am and do not overeat in the afternoon, especially after 18 hours. Preference should be given cooked foods. Good to eat sauerkraut, dairy products, lemons. In moderate amounts of sweet and salty, potato, squash, cucumbers and mushrooms. From drinks is preferable to drink green tea, limit your intake of coffee and black tea.

People prefer the element of air quickly eat freshly prepared food or products purchased, leaving nothing for tomorrow. Since they are usually too lazy to cook, they like to have lunch or dinner guest.
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