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Differences in female and male perception

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Differences in female and male perception

It is known that men differ from women. And though we live together, we have similar problems, the same people and things around us, but when we talk, look or listen, we have in mind, we think, see and hear different things. This is the harmony and conflict, unity and opposition. However, there will be more unity and less confrontation if we just learn to understand our differences, and we make no attempt to claim from each other what we can not get it. Apparently, when we finally begin to understand each other, life will become easier. It may sound strange: why are there to understand? Do not speak the same language? Do not live in one culture? So it is true ... language - something like one. Only now we understand it differently.

Surely you are familiar with the concept of "female logic". Already, this expression shows that between men and women, there are certain differences, differences in male and female perception. Why had split the logic into male and female? Is not she one? Again, it's not that simple. Alas, men and women differ not only features of the anatomy. And how could it be otherwise? Historically, the role of men was different than the role of women. What was needed from the primitive male? For food, fight enemies, protect your home and win a place in the sun. What is required from a woman? Find yourself a man who would provide her with food, protection, and built a reliable shelter. After all, the main function of women is still giving birth (even asking us feminists!). And to feed in a harsh world and the child and yourself - oh, how hard! And how then compete with the men who and polovchee, and stronger, and more accustomed to such violent pursuits such as hunting or war. Therefore the first issue each woman was - to find a husband. And even then it was possible to think of procreation.
Of course, in a world much changed. Just how much has changed here is the people themselves? Is our mind totally retooled? Are we no longer live instincts? Very doubtful. Yes, guess what: it is enough to hold a regular public opinion poll (men separately, women separately) on the role in the lives of men and women. I bet that anything with the data has not changed: once again the perfect man a woman would call getter, ambitious, strong, preferably more beautiful and good, but always successful. For men the ideal woman would be presented hateful homemaker, loving, a good housewife and faithful wife.

And now that we have different roles, different anatomy and physiology, even, why psychology should be identical? Naturally. Way of perceiving the world, men and women are different. Although not so much that we could not communicate. However, sometimes there is a real wall of misunderstanding solely due to the fact that men and women are different coordinate systems. Change these systems, we are unable, but to understand the opposite sex - the real problem and it is quite doable. Try to find out where there may be difficulties in communication between the sexes. And how these difficulties can be avoided. One of the peculiarities of thinking men is its concreteness.

Not that they were not interested in abstract questions. Quite the contrary. They are interested in them. But in the circumstances of life they want specifics: what, where, how and at what time. Then a representative of the male finds his footing and begins to act (or inaction). Solve charade "go there, I do not know where, bring it, I do not know what" typical female thinking, man can not. Therefore typical male rebuke to his wife goes something like this: "You do not know what you want." Oh, you're wrong. Fellow men! We women just know perfectly well what we want. Only here you thick skin, have all mess up on the shelves. Well, you did not guess that our offer to walk around the city not only sensitive and slow-witted man will elicit: where and why, moreover, and at whose expense? Well, a hedgehog because it is clear that shopping stroll, not in the same theater shove his pay. Yes, and that he would check if I still do not know that I am there I will fly? What is love, then buy it. Well, how else? How to buy something that has not yet seen?

But really guys, as investigators: you just know everything: what, why and how much. Why dark then? If you do not understand what she was driving as if to speak at all? No, well, why not just sort through: "Comrade husband, let me report: it is necessary to discuss the question of nailing hangers in the hallway. And report on the execution. " So there! "Vasya! Again, sit! Affairs is complete, all collapsed while you sit! "Well, what a human being is not to say ... And the wife thinks something like this:" No, really, guys - The Goonies! Tell me something, so just take offense! And he pretends that he does not understand that without the hangers in the hallway - as without hands. Come here, tkni his nose, then it can be moved. Well, the truth, eh poke? "

This is one of the features of women's thinking: the reliance on intuition. Men think that: he asked - responded. You ask - I answer. But we need to ask specifically, but not detours. Of these ambiguities any confused. And if he lost, then either do not speak will be, or of such utter ... long time no longer wish to communicate. Wherefore to you, dear women, the council: something asking the men, or seeking assistance from him, just specify clearly and specifically what you want from him. Something like this: "Vasya! In the corridor lamp burned. Change your "Go." But no: "Again in the hallway nearly hryasnulas! Dark, as you have in your head! And you're still sitting there?! "

Caused a chorus of male resentment benefit stervologii teaches that man is inclined to carry out short-clear command, and this is the best way to communicate with them. Of course, this is said somewhat harshly, but to some extent true. But you can not keep silent or say that his wife does not know what he wants, and politely ask her to clarify her request: "Lyus, okay, let's go to your mom. Just let us think about what to take with them, maybe there is something to make it right. " Be sure when this version of Lucy sure to ask what and how. And you're going to create a plan of the visit, and (lo!) Without superfluous words and scandals. Go to the store, check. How to take the money. Guarantee: a spouse to think about and begin to list the things that you need to buy.
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