Differences in intelligence
You begin to notice that the conversation with your lover on the traditional "Musi-pusi" is not: your choice is usually silently listens to your thoughts on whether there is happiness in life, and a request to estimate your latest poetic masterpiece sighs: "Well, like normal . Case is fairly common: One in a pair of intellectually developed and the unordinary. Other - zauryaden and neoriginalen. Is it possible happy ending this relationship? Unfortunately, experience has shown that in most cases, these pairs decay rapidly. And the reason for the gap - the difference in the level of intelligence .
Most likely you are bound not true love, but merely a passion, your relationship is based on physical attraction to each other. Your feelings facing a crisis, as only during the first dedication will take place as soon as you realize that your partner does not justify your need for intellectual conversation. How to check whether your feelings are true from the standpoint of intellectual compatibility: Whether you come for the intellectual level to each other or do you need to seek a more suitable partner in the intellectual sense? Just talk to him about different topics and learn how he justifies your dream of an intelligent and interesting companion.
But we should not beat the drums before the time and worry that your feelings are not tested on intellectual strength, if on the first date your partner loses his voice could not utter a word you want - it does not mean that he is not far in the development, possibly He lost his eloquence from the strong feelings. His desire to seem funny and exciting with you only exacerbates his tongue-tie. Do not try to ruin your relationship with your chosen one, if you think you speak different languages and can not understand each other. Very often people with a different mindset did not immediately find a common language and a common topic for conversation.
For example, your beloved, tech education, enthusiastically tells you about the latest technical novelty or the invention. You, as a typical humanist, just loves to talk about the features of the artistic manner of Raphael or a medieval adventure novels. Over time, the two smart people there are always topics of conversation.
Your feelings must be checked for intellectual strength. You choose your own man for life, and, of course, plays an important role match your intellectual levels. You must be sure that your partner will be for you an interesting conversationalist. But if you have not got used to each other if your relationship is just beginning to develop, you should not break them out of the fact that you do not talk about. Remember that the general topic of conversation will appear with an increase in prescription of your relationship, as far as how you will appear familiar and common interests.