Connection. Conducive to intellectual activity and helps to shine
society. Lots of good thoughts. Cases that do not leave, productivity. In the period during which negotiations and transactions facilitated, money comes easily. Makes it more capable than industrious, more robust than it seems. Nervous force, balanced mind that keeps men in shape and makes women attractive for a long time. The mind tends to the ideal. Dominant character has the will and understanding, and plays an important role. Trigon. The mind is a good influence, and intellectual activity allows you to quickly implement business. Makes it more tolerant to criticism, can follow the good advice and do not persist from the vanity of their mistakes. Gives children a great talent, but more superficial than deep. Gives more ease than perseverance, but also a rapid understanding and discernment and practical acumen. Increases resistance to nervous. Gives all kinds of cooperation with young people. For the "bosses" should be young people. Encourages men to stay slim, long look young. Sextile. Has a greater moral flexibility and more long-term physical activity. Provides skill and dexterity, all understood and done quickly. Merit recognized, but in addition, fewer people working for the glory. Advised to surround yourself with young, to follow the movement and develop together with his time. Small friendly. Makes the completion of cases faster and more financially more productive. The success of respect is both a monetary success. Helps learning and allows to meet the young, active, helpful staff. Productive Advertising, a useful propaganda. Opposition. Makes it more sensitive to criticism and increases the pride and impatience, whim becomes tyrannical and causes nerve damage when he is not satisfied. Public relations is not enough of cordiality and frankness. Indicates a professional encounter with the young and irreverent children who are difficult to satisfy. Exhibits a reprimand and obloquy, the interested friendship and flattery.

Minor adverse. Has no use wasting myself too attached to trifles, and burn that adored him. Family and professional insults or small pricks pride. Brain tired. Quadrature. Causes a disorder of thought and lack of persistence in bringing cases to the end. Substitutes under ridicule, make funny, cause disrespect to him, it's hard to convince his point of view or to be taken seriously. Inclines to be a toy flatterers and windbags. Notes grievances with children and youth, loss of processes, false promises and contracts.