Connection. Personal activity and ambition that slopped over the edge and reach the shores of the public. Reported success, the representativeness of the image, students, teaching, or legality. Period end of something (if Radix Jupiter is in the XII or VIII of the house) and public success. Clarification of legal difficulties. Advancement in the hierarchy, official career. Recognition in academic circles and etc. Notes the coincidence of wants with the beliefs of the social environment, where the connection with what is called "lucky." Trigon. To successfully implement its plans. Increases vitality and inclines to complacency without weakness, greater justice, much to the deliberate insolence. Features depending on the ambitions and innate capacity to implement the planned target. Makes children hardworking and facilitates their study. Inclines to be the first to dominate, dominate. Helps to be designed in accordance with the merits. Can take the place of another, not too gain enemies, are able to express themselves generous with friends and merciful with his enemies. This direction after 50 years gives hope cheerful old age. Conducive to any kind of cooperation and association. Sextile. Gives greater moral freedom, good mental balance, liveliness. For. women points to climb the husband gives his own home. Ambition is resistant, which seeks the sublime. Man thirsts for dominance in a particular area, but the comfort, welfare, prosperity or wealth come simultaneously with the rise. Conducive to learning in his youth. Gives parents and teachers at the same time firm and benevolent, education above the level of their environment. Small friendly. Improves physical condition and strengthens the mind. Provides an environment respectful sympathy and respect for superiors. Gives exactly the mood, regular activities, the constant self-confidence. Opposition. This trend is harmful to health, especially after 50 years if the person in the past allowed the excesses of power. Possible liver disorders, severe arterial disorders. Inclines to careerism: pushes his elbows, overturns that shy people more eager to honor and glory than money, but more money than love. In adulthood plagued by family concerns and aging. Neglect their property, losing their respectability. Quadrature. Difficulties with the law, disputes with others, the risk process. Often the cost of capital and excesses, extravagance. Sometimes the struggle against conformism. Serious risk to finances. Health: liver disease. Very often, this aspect removes a person's life dear creature or notes expensive relationship with the law, such as divorce. Makes envious, conceited and selfish with respect to all outside the family circle, when Jupiter is positive.