Favorable. Increases nerve and vigor, gives a good mental balance. Wild nature, the concept suddenly and abruptly, they are not instinctive, not always rational, but thought out. Inclines to improve and reform, to impose their vision without objection. Revolt, resist, say no. Transmit character to the big mystery of the problem. Allows you to recover. Helping to change the situation, profession, and often ideas. Alleged sexuality. Magnetism (attraction). Unfavorable. Qualities of valor, they incite to waste itself, but after 30 years of health often suffers from a disorder of blood and blood circulation. Passions intensified and greed needs increase. To satisfy them, the person is not considered as with anything, he impulsively breaks that way. Ideas backward to get them to appreciate a man uses unscrupulous methods. Gives a noisy excitement, the need to force yourself to appreciate it, splurge. The victory nor humble, nor merciful. Man tramples the vanquished. Puts adventure, dangerous upheavals wild ostentatious actions.