Directions to Saturn, Neptune
Connection. Does any inconvenience or distress more severe, and pain that one suffers more mysterious. Declines in isolation, misanthropy, impotence, or, depending on age, delay, or intellectual and physical development. Trigon. Fortuna manifests itself supportive and during this period, successfully helping efforts. Obstacles are becoming less and less frequent, but more numerous successes. Therefore, one gets peace of mind and belief in themselves is increasing, from which improved mental state, nerve costs are less significant and the body is better able to resist attacks of disease. May be noted a weakening or even disappearance of painful chronic diseases. Moral person gains weight, for society and sometimes physically, he impressed more than in the past. Sextile. Sensitivity increases, the spirit perceives intense and fast currents of strangers. People are increasingly interested in the outside world, he goes out of their "ivory tower", he is less selfish, more human, more affectionate, his sex life less empty, more like it. Ability to distinguish between intuitive. At first glance, it is true weighs and judges from all over fairness. Small friendly. Makes it more intelligent and more perceptive to external influences. Gives a happy intuition, broader and more optimistic views. Helping relationships with others. Opposition. Inclines to false judgments, it is difficult to look at things simply and to take them as they are. Of all the people doing the mystery and the whole world is in conspiracy against him.